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This is just ego-shattering.


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About to log for the night, figured I'd do my PvP daily. Yeah...not so much.




I could jump on my main, Republic on same server, and run Warzones all day and get ROLLED by the Empire every single match. This time, I just so happen to be on my Imperial, and I get to meet a full-50 Pax Dominus premade ( I seriously did not see a single enemy below 50. We had 1 50, 1 43, and the rest lvl 30 and below. )


This bracket for 50s cannot come fast enough. x_x

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You are complaining because you spend the majority of your time facerolling through PvP on Empire, and the one match you go through on Republic you happen to get a pre-made of 50s?


Welcome to most Republic's life. Pre-mades are few and hard to get in on this side, and if you don't, your just screwed, because as you know...the Empire will roll over you the majority of the time.

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About to log for the night, figured I'd do my PvP daily. Yeah...not so much.




I could jump on my main, Republic on same server, and run Warzones all day and get ROLLED by the Empire every single match. This time, I just so happen to be on my Imperial, and I get to meet a full-50 Pax Dominus premade ( I seriously did not see a single enemy below 50. We had 1 50, 1 43, and the rest lvl 30 and below. )


This bracket for 50s cannot come fast enough. x_x


Only two guys had objective points. What were the rest of you doing? No matter how bad of a loss I've been in (been in games that had three caps), and never saw only two players on a team with objectives.

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You are complaining because you spend the majority of your time facerolling through PvP on Empire, and the one match you go through on Republic you happen to get a pre-made of 50s?


Welcome to most Republic's life. Pre-mades are few and hard to get in on this side, and if you don't, your just screwed, because as you know...the Empire will roll over you the majority of the time.


Yeah...might wanna re-read my post there champ. You got it a bit backwards.


And the rest of us were dying as soon as we left our spawn. They had a line left and mid waiting for us. What kills we had, we pulled them up and let mortars do the trick, but it was pretty futile. in the end we all mostly just moved away from the ledge and sat down, lamenting the fates.


EDIT: I feel obligated to clarify, this isn't a 'complainy' post, not really. We all know PvP is borked, and we all know someone ( FINALLY! ) stated the 50s brackets were incoming eventually. I just found this warzone to be pretty much the epitome of low-lvl PvP-ness and felt like sharing.

Edited by Maniacal
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Holy god, is that what pve server warzones look like ? Try playing on a pvp server and having the first 10 players over 200k damage and the first 5 over 300k and the top dps 4-500k. You should be doing backflips and smiling all the way to the bank with pvp stats like that.
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