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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

NO troll intended. But anybody have an IDEA how they can fix ability delay?


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That is because over 200,000 people do not understand how the internet works. Trust me on this one, I've been doing this a long time. Ability delay is NOT a bug, it is a fluctuation in ping time's between sending and receiving, and the small window of opportunity inside of the ability queue system. It's NOT fixable, it's HIDEABLE. Read my posts again, this time with a little less bias. Stop pretending that Bioware is bowing to your every whim and treat them like a multi million dollar corporation. They know the truth. Just because they tell the user base there is a problem doesn't mean there is. They're going to mask the problem, but it will still exist because its a ping issue, tied to the TCP protocol. Cannot be fixed, ever.


You do not understand how these games work, nor do you understand how the internet works. When you have someone like me, sitting here telling you the ABSOLUTE TRUTH, instead of hiding behind corporate things like "we acknowledge theres a problem", you don't jump down my throat. You're supposed to take that knowledge and learn from it. Explore it. Stop denouncing it simply because you don't understand the terminology. I'm tired of trying to help you people. I can put it all into numbers for you if you'd like, but it would be pages long. Why bother though, right? You're going to denounce this information as if I'm a witch in Salem.


BTW, the fireball in WoW reference is factual. It is THE technology that Blizzard implemented to get around all sorts of game delay. They developed it specifically for this issue, in house. Go test it if you still play. Open your combat log, watch the fireball hit you(in the log), and observe that your health bar hasn't moved. Now, kindly shut up with your spreading of misinformation. I seek to inform the masses, not dumb them down like some posters in here.


In WoW, the client delays what it shows you until the server has given the OK. In SW:ToR, this is not the case. That is your elusive "ability delay".


Really now? So when I have more than enough rage and all my abilities are off the GCD -- but I'm unable to launch an instant attack that isn't even on the GCD to begin with, that's just the game working as intended within the limitations of the internet? I don't think so. I've sat there and watched my character do this stutter dance where she half-performs the action continually, until I finally stop pressing the ability, sit there and do nothing for a couple seconds. Then the ability will finally work. That same problem is reproduced with all sorts of abilities, predominantly instant cast ones. An instant cast ability off the GCD should never fail to activate, especially if you're spamming the damn thing. But that's exactly what's happening.


There's three explanations for why you don't understand what we're talking about here. 1) You're a troll. 2) You're an idiot. or 3) You're just plain ignorant to what it is we're talking about here. I don't think you're a troll. You may not be as smart as you think you are, but I don't think you're quire an idiot. So I'm gonna go with #3.


Regardless, you're doing a disservice to the entire community here by insisting that a very real and blatant problem doesn't exist just because you're not personally aware of it. Shut up and move on.

Edited by Qishari
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