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Razer peripheral software EULA question.


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I've joked quite a few times about keyboard and mouse macros being against the EULA/TOS being silly since the Razer peripherals have it. However, I'm wondering if we've gotten any confirmation on whether or not you can be banned for using this software to create various macros.


For instance I can make a macro that pops 3 off-global abilities with 1 keypress on my Razer Nostromo? On my assassin I pop Surge adrenal, Recklessness, Overcharge Saber and my relic, in the same second using the software that the Nostromo is delivered with. So my question is, given that the Razer SW:TOR peripherals are likely to have this functionality (as does most modern gaming keyboards) is it permitted to use this software to it's full capabilities or is there a point where a line is crossed since the software could in essence be used to create a bot macro.


So is there an answer to this question or do I need to contact Stephen on twitter?

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