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Thank you Bioware for an amazing class.


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No that title isn't sarcasm, I honestly love this class.


I was on these forums a while ago to rant about how under-powered this class is compared to others, but then I actually took the time to find out how to seriously own with this class.


If you want a class that involves spamming the same 2 abilities over and over again in order to get at the top of the pvp chart, then the marauder isn't for you.


I mainly started doing pvp around level 30, and I wasn't doing so well.


Now I'm at 49 and I usually land in the top 5, if not 3 players of every pvp match.(And sometimes #1 :D)

I just figured out I wasn't doing things right.

I decided to try a different spec(rage), and I actually paid attention to what some of the seemingly minor talents did(then realizing they weren't minor at all) because everything has a use.

Specifically with rage, your main damage dealing attack is going to be smash.

Without being specced properly, smash doesn't do much, however there is a talent called Shockwave, which increases the damage dealt by smash with every tick of either Force Crush or Force Choke, adding up to 4 ticks total(I can't remember atm how much it increases it, but it is a good amount.)

On top of that, there is a talent that makes so when you use either obliterate or force charge, it makes your next smash an automatic critical hit.(I like to switch back and forth from force choke to force crush only because it allows time for the other to cool down, rather than using both consecutively on a single target.)



This in combination with shockwave make for an attack that can seriously decimate enemies, especially when surrounded.


After playing around with rage for a while my game play started to improve a lot.


At the end of a match, it went from people complaining about how bounty hunters and sorcerers were so over-powered, to how I was over powered, which is a pretty cool thing to hear lol.


All in all, I have to say that the marauder was in my opinion a tough class to level up, only because I felt they took damage too easily and didn't Deal enough damage in comparison, but now I have a different view.





Among those few who love this class, it is said that this class is typically a "late bloomer,"

and I must admit that in a sense this would be correct because you need to be a certain level in order to get enough talent points to spec the way you want to. However, I guarantee that if you just stick with it, and learn how to properly spec and play your character, you will be more than satisfied.


Well, that's all I have to say, and again thank you Bioware :)

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I love the class.. but then i started a Juggie..


Oh dude it's hard to go back to my Marauder now. Everything that i can do with it the Juggie can do better @ Rage spec.

Edited by spne
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I for one love the Annihilation specc, played right it's amazingly fun. Both in pve and pvp.


One thing is for sure, as some classes might be overpowered the Marauder is definetly not UNDERPOWERED. The problem is people not taking the time to learn the class properly or are incapable of playing anything else than a 2 buttonmashing dps class.


I'm kinda sick and tired of all the whine that the Marauder is so bad this so bad that....if you dont like it, play another class. No one is forcing you to stick with the Marauder!

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I love the class.. but then i started a Juggie..


Oh dude it's hard to go back to my Marauder now. Everything that i can do with it the Juggie can do better @ Rage spec.



you dont understand...

every 2-3 minutes we can give our team in PvP buffs.

That means something right?


Edited by Fluxje
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I understand many of you prefer the juggernaut and that's fine, I was just sharing a very rare positive experience with a class that gets a bad rep. simply because most people don't know how to properly play a marauder. :)
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I understand many of you prefer the juggernaut and that's fine, I was just sharing a very rare positive experience with a class that gets a bad rep. simply because most people don't know how to properly play a marauder. :)


here come the classic "learn to play argument"

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because 100% of the QQers are not using half the abilities and not using the ones they do use correctly.


The "QQers" Have made valid points and concerns about the class. The people who said l2p have made none, only posting damage done from pvp pictures.



The sad thing is, someone posted a sorc, and a BH doing the same amount of damage. So even them pictures got put into place.



You people who said l2p are not better than the rest of us. The ones who sees the flaws and understands it are the ones who are the better players. They understand the class enough to post concerns.

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The "QQers" Have made valid points and concerns about the class. The people who said l2p have made none, only posting damage done from pvp pictures.



The sad thing is, someone posted a sorc, and a BH doing the same amount of damage. So even them pictures got put into place.



You people who said l2p are not better than the rest of us. The ones who sees the flaws and understands it are the ones who are the better players. They understand the class enough to post concerns.






You like rage?? awesome.. you should have made a Jug. OP your post in itself shows how little you know about the game and actually highlights that Marauders can only pvp as a spec that is alot better as a JUG... lol nice try.. but srsly stop patronizing ppls with your lamens guide to the most simple spec Marauders have. The class is a peice of crap in pvp.. and if you cant see that then i wish you well in your blissfull ignorance.

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Well when he posts things that hinder the progress of a GIMP class then i am going to refute it. Dont settle for mediocre when everyone else is getting first class.


And how do i know?? Because i have other high lvls and from experience i can tell you Marauder is a joke. Now thats actually a valid argument.

Edited by Kaluah
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Well when he posts things that hinder the progress of a GIMP class then i am going to refute it. Dont settle for mediocre when everyone else is getting first class.


And how do i know?? Because i have other high lvls and from experience i can tell you Marauder is a joke. Now thats actually a valid argument.


the class is not "gimp" its just not wow easy mode, everyone wants everything handed to them they do not want skill to be a factor.



If you do not like the class then DO NOT PLAY IT. Leave the class alone for people who like a class based on skill.

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the class is not "gimp" its just not wow easy mode, everyone wants everything handed to them they do not want skill to be a factor.



If you do not like the class then DO NOT PLAY IT. Leave the class alone for people who like a class based on skill.


Do you smell your own farts everyday? Get of your high horse, people are making legitimate claims about the class being worse then others and the only thing you can come up with in every thread is L2P.

Edited by MajesticBeast
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Do you smell your own farts everyday? Get of your high horse, people are making legitimate claims about the class being worse then others and the only thing you can come up with in every thread is L2P.


there are no legit claims, its only "I have no CC" or "ranged classes are easier"



there is nothing legit about baddie QQ

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I'm 90% at 3 top in damage and kills in warzones, with a healer I cannot die, where the hell is the problem everyone's talking about with marauders anyway? This class is sick, thanks for posting this OP!
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They do more damage to tell you the truth, but hey..Let them live in a dream world. Its funny to see post like this.


Oh god not these whinging *****es again. Do you just scour the forums for posts that you can add something to about how bad Marauders are? It's getting *********** old man.


I look through the Marauder forums and am yet to see one started by you, contributing anything useful at all. All you do is go into other people's threads and cry about how gimped you are - especially if you see someone that actually says that they like the class and has had some success with it.


We know you don't like them, so reroll and s t f u!


And until this game has dps meters (which I hope it never does) and you get a Juggernaut and a Marauder in identical level gear, being played by players with the same skill levels, who can say for sure which one does more damage? Just because a Jugg did more than you, doesn't mean it will do more than someone else... unless of course, you are the best example of a Marauder...:rolleyes:


Even though you said "You people who said l2p are not better than the rest of us" and obviously think noone could be more skilled at the class than you. I am more than certain there are people out there that could teach you how to play a Marauder better. There is always someone better and the person that thinks othwerwise, is an arrogant fool.

Edited by Sepha
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I'm 90% at 3 top in damage and kills in warzones, with a healer I cannot die, where the hell is the problem everyone's talking about with marauders anyway? This class is sick, thanks for posting this OP!


the problem is the class take some skill to play and manage, thats just far too much for most people to handle

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the problem is the class take some skill to play and manage, thats just far too much for most people to handle


Rage marauder and rage juggernaut play pretty similar for the most part. the juggernaut does more damage and has more defence aswell as more utility than the marauder. Is the juggeraut faceroll?

Edited by mastersloup
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Rage marauder and rage juggernaut play pretty similar for the most part. the juggernaut does more damage and has more defence aswell as more utility than the marauder. Is the juggeraut faceroll?


it doesn't do "far more damage" and the difference in heavy and medium is not as drastic as people want to belive

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