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Sentinel Itemization (copied)


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So I have been noticing that a lot of our gear looks like guardian hand me downs. Stat wise a lot of the str gear has defense and shield on it. you can get crit gear with defense, or you can get surge gear with shield etc.. I rarely see crit surge and str all on one piece.


I DO see a ton of AIm Crit and Surge items. Being a PURE DPS class with no other roles I think this needs looked at.

For instance, I took the time to Craft the (400)Str/Crit Ear piece, the final stats(purple) ended up being str, end, crit, accuracy, def rating, shield.


Also this is from a PvP/crafting perspective. I have only briefly scanned the PVE items, you may be able to mix and match. I am just asking for more options for more dps focused items for a pure DPS class. Not items that are Tailored for guardian and will work ok for sent.


(put this in the JK on accident)

Edited by Aurrek
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