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Thoughts on Mara's


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we just need three improvements:


- enrage for a better initial burst

- non-droid stun or channeled force choke without movement reduction

- force camo cancel the target of all the people attacking you (dont sure if it already do this)


we use medium armor but have a lot surv.

- cloak of pain: 20% dmg reduction for 30secs - 60secs cd (54secs if talented)

- saber ward: 50% dmg reduction for 12 secs - 180 secs cd (instant refresh skill if you have an active companion)

- predation: 10% dmg reduction for 10 secs - 1.5 secs cd (need 30 fury stacks also increase your mov. speed by 50%[80% if talented])

- undying rage: 99% dmg reduction for 5 secs - 90 secs cd (spend 50% of your current hp)

- force camo: if talented 100% dmg reduction for 4 secs or remove all movments impairing effects - 45 secs cd


also you get:

- unleash: remove all movements impairing effects - 120 secs cd (also heals you for 10% hp if talented)


and some dmg reductions talents depending your spec.


about rage build. srsly. do you really have a lvl50 marauder?


- 3 rage generated by charge without min range (if talented)

- your bleed can give you rage (if talented)

- force choke give you 1 rage/sec

- cloak of pain generate 1 rage/3secs (if talented)



well, imo marauder class is a nice class.



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