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Leveling Help


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I just hit level 28 on my Marauder, and it seems like I hit a wall. I am struggling to kill silver and gold level enemies, I have Quinn as a companion for healing which has been working, but lately it seems he either cant keep up or is retarded.


What is the best leveling build?

What is the best leveling companion?


Also any rotation advice of leveling tips are appreciated




Purdue :cool:

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Make sure you keep Quinn's gear up to date, maximize his Cunning. This makes a WORLD of difference while leveling, I can't stress it enough. Also ensure that you set him to Med Watch stance (sometimes it toggles off after taking a taxi, zoning, or if he dies). I found that his healing is much better if you toggle off all of his DPS abilities, forcing him to heal nonstop. His damage is trivial compared to yours. Force him to keep those heals on cooldown.


I switched specs a lot while leveling. They all felt weak before hitting key talents later in the trees, so just stick with something that you like, or that you find comfortable.


Make sure you're always using your offensive and defensive cooldowns. Utilize Obfuscate, force choke, disable droid, cloak of pain, sabre ward, berserk, etc on those strongs and elites. Also in a pinch, use Camouflage to dump agro to your companion and give you some breathing time.


It's truly a complex class, but you'll get the hang of it :)


Edit: Also, by and far your most important piece of gear is your main hand weapon. Do everything you can to keep it up to date!

Edited by xO_om
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I just hit level 28 on my Marauder, and it seems like I hit a wall. I am struggling to kill silver and gold level enemies, I have Quinn as a companion for healing which has been working, but lately it seems he either cant keep up or is retarded.


What is the best leveling build?

What is the best leveling companion?


Also any rotation advice of leveling tips are appreciated




Purdue :cool:


What the person said above me is true.. .keep your companions geared up, makes a ton of difference.


Also I recommend Annihilation spec with Quinn.

The only mobs that should be giving you problems are the ones that are 4 levels above you... no, I'm not joking.

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