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Rank 60 PvP Impressions


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What's going on, fellow Immortals?


I hit Battlemaster a few days ago, Monday I believe, and wanted to share a few of my experiences/ opinions regarding this spec in PvP. This is not a flame fest, nor is it a call to nerf other classes or boast of our own.


Note: For most of my valor grinding, I grouped with a Merc healer friend of mine (who is almost 58 atm). Also, none of this is meant to indicate any superiority whatsoever on my part, I just had some time this morning and wanted to share some insight.


Our mobility makes us incredibly efficient as a ball carrier in Huttball. In Voidstar, my healer would stand midfield every defense -- so I could intervene him to accomplish one of two things: 1) to quickly cast an AoE taunt or AoE fear if he was in trouble or 2) to then charge an enemy on the other side of the field. Essentially I had a fast travel mechanism between both doors to switch when needed (or when PuGs weren't paying attention).


I will stay away from critiques of the various warzones, as they are for a different area of the forums (and they've been mentioned extensively).


Guard: While this ability works a lot, and usually works quite well, I find that the range requirement for it's defensive effect is not always static. In my experience, not only does LoS sometimes prevent its effect, but I can count numerous times where I've been beside my healer and was forced to reapply guard a few times as the damage was not being shared.


Force Choke: One of my favorite SW abilities, by far. There is a bug with the 2 piece bonus of the PvP set, however. (forgive me if this has already been posted) Normally, you should be able to cast this on the move if the ability was talented, however it appears that the set bonus somehow prevents that. I am forced to stop moving for a second or two in order to use an instant-cast ability... Not sure if that was intentional or not, but in PvP it really affects our performance when trying to manage a group of enemies.


I'm not going to mention VT as I'm sure gobs of threads and bug reports have already been posted. I'm also not going to talk about the BM gear's itemization as I'm assuming that Bioware intends for us to make use of the modification system to swap components out for others.



Any other PvP'ers out there? How have your experiences been? Find any other problems with skills or abilities?



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I haven't been fortunate enough to have a pocket healer. However, I can only imagine how amazing it would be with one. The class really doesn't shine until the 40's and I can only hope I can tolerate the game enough to get to Battlemaster. Good post. ;)


I have been getting a lot of ranged DPS envy as of late, though. My main problem is with PVE on the Jugg. I think our AOE threat abilities are lacking, and I would prefer if our AOE taunt was on a 20s cooldown and Swipe were a 360 degree hit @ 3 rage. Maybe even add an aura around the tank that generates threat or increase Soresu form's threat generation boost from 50% to a bit higher.


Sure, we can tank fine, but it requires way more effort than other tank classes.

Edited by Proto
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I agree those 2 bugs are annoying, but I find Huttball to be where a Juggy really shines. I play with a 50 mara and a 50 Sniper (So no pocket heals), but we can still do really well by have me start with the ball, blow defensive cooldowns (while soaks up a bunch of CC and damage), and then make 1 throw to the marauder who can run it in for a touchdown.


Juggy is the QB of Huttball, you grab the ball and have enough time in the pocket (tankiness) to make a solid throw.

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