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need rage build rotation


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Can anyone here help me out I have been playing Carnage build all the way to 50 but in pvp It dosen´t seem to cut it.. I have read in here that the Rage build is much better for that sort of thing.. so if anyone could be so kind to enlighten me to a good rotation between the skills.. thx in advance
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Honestly there really is no set rotation but there are key skills you will want to use. I had, like you, been playing carnage up until 50 and kept going until valor 36. Last night I switched to Rage and the burst is much much better. The downside coming from carnage is missing the deadly saber and ravage roots + the speed buff.


I usually open with a charge, battering assault, crush, slash then smash. Cycle in choke when crush is down for the dmg bonus and use obliterate/snare when someone is getting away. Toss in sleeps, heal debuffs etc during crush's downtime.

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