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Bringing back the real open world PvP


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Hey guys n gals,


I won't make my point a long confusing story.


Here is my suggestion on open world PvP.


Besides the homeworlds and faction specific planets. Questing zones for Empire and Republic needs to be combined into one. No private instancing, no friendly questing zones in PvP servers anymore.


If you support my suggestion and want to add something more, brainstorming...


All welcome here,


May the force be with you

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Who loves gank, spontaneous challenges, becoming a PK or hunting down a PK, group vs group and even zerg vs zerg. Not only in premade warzones...


In natural beauty of galaxy or beautifully crafted city planets, shady corners of Nar Shaddaa and many other planets...


Put your thoughts and support the cause :)

Edited by Aetla
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I dont agree. I think that the way it is, is fine. There are already enough bored jerks who dont do anything other than grief lower levels. If that was allowed to ruin questing too then alot of peoples game experience would be affected negatively. If they did what youre asking for as endgame stuff then sure. But leave people alone to level. Pvp isnt about picking on people its about competition.
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I dont agree. I think that the way it is, is fine. There are already enough bored jerks who dont do anything other than grief lower levels. If that was allowed to ruin questing too then alot of peoples game experience would be affected negatively. If they did what youre asking for as endgame stuff then sure. But leave people alone to level. Pvp isnt about picking on people its about competition.


then go back to your pve server


people go to pvp server for a reason

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then go back to your pve server


people go to pvp server for a reason


Again, we are outnumbered 4:1 on our server. Should we just say "ok, we lost the war" and roll Imps?


You realize that if you "win" the war it just means no more open world PvP period.

Edited by AlpsStranger
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Again, we are outnumbered 4:1 on our server. Should we just say "ok, we lost the war" and roll Imps?


You realize that if you "win" the war it just means no more open world PvP period.


if you can't take a lose sometimes what are you doing on a pvp server?


you need to organize your side better, prob. play better.


ofc 300 lonley wolves on anyside won't do nothing.

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I dont agree. I think that the way it is, is fine. There are already enough bored jerks who dont do anything other than grief lower levels. If that was allowed to ruin questing too then alot of peoples game experience would be affected negatively. If they did what youre asking for as endgame stuff then sure. But leave people alone to level. Pvp isnt about picking on people its about competition.


If you join a PvP server you have no right to complain about being ganked.

If you join one,prepare to be ganked or however you wanna call it.PvP servers shouldn't be a pony ranch where you can level without the fear of being killed by other players.


That's my opinion.

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if you can't take a lose sometimes what are you doing on a pvp server?


you need to organize your side better, prob. play better.


ofc 300 lonley wolves on anyside won't do nothing.


Right. I don't actually lose that much in open world PvP, but thanks for caring.


I can, however, read the writing on the wall. Republic will be limited to vulturing at 2:00 AM on Ilum soon enough.


I wonder why people give this sage advice to people on the Republic side and talk about how much fun it is to be the underdog and then... log onto their Imperial mains.

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It does not matter for me, ganking a lvl 50 with my lvl 50 char or ganking a lvl 30 with my lvl 30 char does not make any sense for me.


I just need to have more opportunity for open world pvp :rolleyes:


I think most of the pvp'er likes hunting with friends :D

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If you join one,prepare to be ganked or however you wanna call it.PvP servers shouldn't be a pony ranch where you can level without the fear of being killed by other players.




If you put aside that "risk factor" then what's the real purpose of rolling a char in a PvP server?


Essence of playing in PvP server is "quoted for the truth" look above and re read the HerrFett' summary...


However, in PvP numbers mean nothing. Organized PvP group crush pack of sheeps. Any PvP gamer know that truth and try to hone their group PvP skills and team play. You become a better PvP player when you real figure out how to be a working and efficient part of a whole.


My two cents and thanks HerrFett. Great manifest indeed.

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If you join a PvP server you have no right to complain about being ganked.

If you join one,prepare to be ganked or however you wanna call it.PvP servers shouldn't be a pony ranch where you can level without the fear of being killed by other players.


That's my opinion.


i have never been ganked. Ive seen it and i just think its pathetic. Ive been attacked by republic loads of times some wins some losses. I think its cool. But when someone makes their primary objective to gang up on lower levels and harrass them there needs to be a system in effect to stop that sort of thing. If you cant even level up without being victimised then the game is flawed. PVP was never intended to be a way for losers to get a sense of accomplishment for ganging up on someone 20 levels lower.

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Right. I don't actually lose that much in open world PvP, but thanks for caring.


I can, however, read the writing on the wall. Republic will be limited to vulturing at 2:00 AM on Ilum soon enough.


I wonder why people give this sage advice to people on the Republic side and talk about how much fun it is to be the underdog and then... log onto their Imperial mains.


funny since im a rep player myself. i knew that my side where the underdogs the moment i created the toon.


organize better play better and smarter.


you are obviously not ready to play on a pvp server since you are so afraid to lose (lol you are not even losing anything but time).

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I dont agree. I think that the way it is, is fine. There are already enough bored jerks who dont do anything other than grief lower levels. If that was allowed to ruin questing too then alot of peoples game experience would be affected negatively. If they did what youre asking for as endgame stuff then sure. But leave people alone to level. Pvp isnt about picking on people its about competition.


reroll pve server and get out

Edited by Shortcake
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i have never been ganked. Ive seen it and i just think its pathetic. Ive been attacked by republic loads of times some wins some losses. I think its cool. But when someone makes their primary objective to gang up on lower levels and harrass them there needs to be a system in effect to stop that sort of thing. If you cant even level up without being victimised then the game is flawed. PVP was never intended to be a way for losers to get a sense of accomplishment for ganging up on someone 20 levels lower.



I agree with you in some parts, killing people 20 lvl lower than you is lame. But just remember this, each planet has a level range, so with a good PK system you can employ very good open PvP system in PvP servers. Ths game is really cool by story wise, lore wise, abilities, lots of fun, but pvp wise is not good enough to deserve a Star Wars title!

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