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Full class quest youtube videos, anyone have some? I have link to full IA story


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To save time on youtubing bits and pieces of class stories, anyone have any youtube links/channel which show the full storyline of a specific class?


I have the one for a female imperial agent light side, from start to finish.




Saving 5 days /played just to see a class story for a class i dont want to play.

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  • 1 month later...

oh I found them.


Sith Warrior - COMPLETE (Mostly evil choices, however he did not choose evil for sake of being evil, he choose base on what he felt like it)






Republic Trooper - COMPLETE (Mostly light side choices, however he also choose some option base on personal references)




Some person also has a full Smuggler story now too.




Imperial Agent - COMPLETE (Mostly light, with some mix choices)






Jedi Consular - COMPLETE (EVIL, this person pretty much picked all evil option for the sake of being evil, to alliies and enemy alike)






Sith Inquisitor - Half way (EVIL, mostly evil, but he didn't pick evil for the sake of being evil, for example he is being nice to some of his allies, but pure evil to his enemies)



Edited by DarthZaul
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  • 6 months later...

I didn't want to start a new thread so I necroed this old one :p


Anyways, I've started to record my class quests, starting with the smuggler class. I've completed 3 planets so far and have put the videos onto youtube:



I like to give my characters a personality before I start leveling them and I make the choices based on what my character would say and choose in different situations.

Edited by Skorz
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