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Bioware you should have this in your game.


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Ok i have been reading the forums allot and allot of people are complain about returning items which you bought but cant use them. Im talking about the vendors items. Im from wow and how could you guys at Bioware forget about this easy thing to solve all these problems with tickets and players returning item.


I myself today again met this anoying little mistake. I was planning to buy a mod at a vendor for my chest item but instead i bought a hilt for weapen. i cant return it for my tokens only get a a small ammount of money for it in return but no tokens again.


Iv played wow for years and they had the perfect solution for this . When you buy a item for tokens at a vendor make it so that you can return the item for the full tokens you bought them for .


So it will go like this:


You buy item nr1 mod for 14 tokens but it seems its not completly what you want. You will have 1 hour to return the item for the full refund of tokens.

After that 1 hour you cant return it ofc anymore.


Inventing this simple thing would save you Bioware guys allot of time to help other people with real problems instead of receiving so many tickets about a simple thing.

If Blizzard can do this why wasnt it build in this game yet ?


Bioware this will save allot of tickets and time ... get this in your patch seriously

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I agree, ive got over 50k spent hitting right click to veiw items instead of left (Yeah, i know im a tard) accidently bought the wrong pvp gear and some commidation stuff. Not to big of a deal, just would be a nice thing to add. If anything itll stop all the "I accidently bought this" tickets clogging support.
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