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Bioware steal our paid gametime


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LMAO at this thread topic.


Just when I think I've seen every possible kind of whine and complaint, a new one comes along.


Except for emergency patches, which cannot be predicted (which every new MMO goes through early on)......


1) they tell you well in advance about when they will patch. That's why it is called scheduled maintenance, and all MMOs have them.


2) they pick a patch time that is least impactful to the most players (there is no perfect solution here, so don't even start whining about your "special snowflake circumstances") They do better then most MMOs in this regard, though they should try to do Europe on a different schedule if they can find a way to do it.


3) the ToS clearly states that they not guarante 7/24 game access. Read it before you subsribe, OR read it after and stop whining


People are funny creatures......


"BUGS!! Oh Noes... fix the bugs!" "Fix them nao!!!" "Oh Noes... they taking the servers down!!" People seem to think they should fix game bugs without taking down the servers.


Never seen so much crying and nashing of teeth in all my life. :)

Edited by Andryah
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Do the math


30m a day = 3.5hours a week = 10.5hours a month

1hr a day = 7hours a week = 21hours a month


Not even a full day a month, this is acceptable


2 days of downtime a month is not


Go back to math school, you have calculated only 3 weeks per month, it should be 4.3 weeks per month

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The best example of good maintence schedule I've seen is on Ultima Online they had it down to perfection. Different times for EU and NA regions. The servers would stop recording at 2am and go off I believe at 2:35am UK time. In that 35 minutes you could do what you liked. Kill your arch enemies, spend what you like. Knowing full well that it wouldn't impact your account for real. Before that 2am was your "real time". It was a fantastic time for the game. Its a shame no other game took on that model. Now Starwars TOR seems to be taking on the same model as SOE's SWG's in do what we say not as we do kind of thinking. A disasterous way of thinking considering what happened to Galaxies. If I could give EA and Bioware one piece of advice it would be listen to the complainers and not to the people that will put up with the various shortcomings of the game. Because the people who don't complain tend to move on without complaint and take on another game. I think we're all in agreement that we all want one thing. A game we can all enjoy without too much downtime that is absorbing and fun. Alas. TOR isn't going that way at the moment for quite a few. That will be the games downfall.
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I agree that this thread should be closed, but it won't stop them from happening. WoW has been around for 7 years now, performing maintenance every Tuesday. Extended maintenance on patch days and people STILL post on the forums about how their time is being stolen. Idiots like this will always exist to complain about something that is essentially making the game better :/
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Why should it be closed? People are paying for a voice. Closing it would be ignoring the obvious problem that is there. Unless you think that people should be quietened because they nor agree with the masses or the developers?
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Why should it be closed? People are paying for a voice. Closing it would be ignoring the obvious problem that is there. Unless you think that people should be quietened because they nor agree with the masses or the developers?


People are complaining about nothing just to hear thier own voice.


The same people crying about this would also cry if bioware let them play and not update the servers then this thread would be


"bioware isn't fixing the bugs ZOMG FML" then it also would be "we are paying for crappy servers that aren't being maintnanced"


So complainers will complain no matter what.

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