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What's the deal with Jace Malcolm?


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Canon establishes him as leader of Havoc Squad, while confirming that Jek Kardan founded the group. However, any Trooper knows that Harron Tavus was the leader of Havoc before your character. Jek was also the leader of Havoc before Tavus, also as established in the Trooper's story, which makes me wonder where Malcolm fits. Thoughts? Edited by sixonenine
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I haven't played a Trooper yet, but here goes...


Does the game state that Kardan led the squad directly prior to Tavus (that is, was succeeded directly by Tavus as leader)? Is it possible that Jace Malcolm led the squad when the Battle of Alderaan occurred?


If the answer to the first question is no, my speculated order would be:


  1. Jek Kardan
  2. Jace Malcolm
  3. Harron Tavus



If the answer to the first question is yes, then perhaps Kardan founded the group, left for some reason (reassignment? medical leave? etc.) and was succeeded by Jace Malcolm; then Malcolm later left and Kardan returned, who was then later succeeded by Tavus.


That order would be:


  1. Jek Kardan
  2. Jace Malcolm
  3. Jek Kardan
  4. Harran Tavus


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