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WTG Bioware!!


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Thank you Bioware for hard work and phenomenal looking product. While I have looked at the hundreds of threads complaining about staggered launch, I have only seen a couple complementing you on a great launch event.


I have been playing MMO's since beginning of Everquest, and have seen some horrible launches with everyone starting in same zones and fighting for same mobs from quests, etc.


Having been there for Everquest, Anarchy Online, Everquest II, SWG, WoW, and Rift, it has been a great experience thus far.


You communicated through several mediums on what was happening, which I think is huge compared to having to sit and watch the forums hoping for a response from customer service on why such and such server is down or there is a bug being worked on. Several of competing products never put the extra effort into just communicating what was happening.


Only thing would have been nice is for people to get access to forums when they got there Early Game Access so as a community we could have been looking at threads about the game then about the ones of people feeling cheated they didn't get in.


You get 4.75 from me out of 5

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