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Global LFG Channel: How to make your own since BW didn't include one


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Once you do this you will need to start spreading the word on your server so that people join the channel. When they join the channel once, everytime a person logs in it will automatically join the LFG channel for them unless they explicitly leave the channel.


As more and more people spread the word on your server the channel will grow. I started by telling people at the Fleet about the channel, and then every subsequent zone that I leveled in I put up a message in General chat so that more people joined the channel.


The LFG channel on our server has grown pretty big now so its much easier to find groups for flashpoints/heroics by using our global LFG channel than it is to use General Zone chat now.




Here are the steps to create your channel, which is simple…


/create [channelname] [password]- Create an Channel and an optional password

example: /create LFG

(left out password so that anyone can join the channel)


Get the people you want in the channel to join it, here is the command to join a channel…


/cjoin [channelname] [password] – Join an already made channel also including a password if needed

example: /cjoin LFG




From there, there are commands to customize and administrate your channel.


/cleave [channelname] [password] – Leave a custom channel also including a password if needed

/lock [channelname] – Allow only invited players to join the channel

/unlock [channelname] – Allow all players to join the custom channel

/cinvite [channelname] [player] – Invite someone to the custom channel

/password [channelname] [password] – Set a password for the channel

/password [channelname] – Clear a password from a channel

/ckick [channelname] [player] – Kick a player from the channel

/ban [channelname] [player] – Ban a player from the channel

/unban [channelname] [player] – Unban a player from a channel

/mod [channelname] [player] – Give a player the moderator status in the channel

/unmod [channelname] [player] – Remove mod status from a player

/mute [channelname] [player] – Remove the ability to send messages on the channel

/unmute [channelname] [player] – Grant the ability to send messages on the channel

/moderate [channelname] – Set the custom channel to only let moderators speak

/unmoderate [channelname]- Set the custom channel to let anyone speak

/channellist – List all custom channels you are on

/list [channelname] – List the players on the custom channel


I made a seperate LFG Chat Tab so I could separate this from my normal chat window. That way when i want to look for a group i just check that window.


Hope this helps your server community grow until BW implements a LFG Global Channel, or a LFG Tool of some sort.

Edited by techlogic
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