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Dark Reaper server question


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Hey I'm thinking about switching from Rep to Imp and starting on the Dark Reaper server. I normally play on a standard population server and I saw that this server has a full pop most of the time. How many people play it? For example in the Rep. Fleet on my server it's around 40-50 people in the zone at a time. Also how is the server balance between rep/imp? It is about even or is there a major upside by one of the factions?
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As with most of the other servers Imperials seem to have a larger population. I personally have no idea where people get their numbers from other than comparing fleets but that seems to be a strange way of measuring the disparity. Feel free to join whichever side you desire and have fun. But seriously it is hard to gauge population if Bioware doesn't actually give us information but it is doubtful they will because of possible backlash or outrage over servers being confirmed as lopsided.
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