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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The ability delay: the cause and how to avoid it


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I play a healer and I have yet to see this "delay" of what you all talk about.


I can finish a big heal and cast the shield on another target at the same time... I have no idea whatsoever of any of these issues.


As someone posted the video about how you can do it in wow and it should be done in swtor... I also can post a video of how this is actually possible in swtor also...




So... I dont really have any "delay issues" with any ability...


It might be that you are used to it or that you don't see it yet.

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The blue bar that indicates the skill is charging fills up twice before it fires the first shot. The damage for the shot hits the target after the first time it goes up but it prevents me from using another skill for 1.5 seconds (the charge time for the skill) if i use the skill continously it catches up but that only helps against elites it effectively halves my damage against groups of weak mobs because it happens on the first shot of wvery target.


yes the same thing happens on my gunslinger with the equivelent skill.


That happens occasionally on my Sorcerer when I use Dark Infusion (2.5 second cast time heal). The cast bar starts at 0.0 seconds, fills to about 2.4 seconds, resets to under a second and then fills up and the ability casts. I have no idea why that happens, but it's annoying as hell.

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It might be that you are used to it or that you don't see it yet.


I understand you but its not that "I'm used to it". I couldnt ever "get used to it" if it was bad... I would complain also, like... about that stupid error 9000 that drives me insane! (which because of something called irony I bet you dont have, or at least I hope you dont lol)


But all this fuss about something that none of the parts involved actually know that exists for sure, some say coding part, some confuse coding with animation, some think its lag (even here theres no consensus since can be client side or server side)... I dont know... sometimes I feel this issue its kind of trying to explain the orange pixel...

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It's not the animations.


Many times I've seen this: chain one instant cast ability with another. The second one doesn't fire and gives "target already dead" even though the animation for the first attack hasn't completed. Happens all the time on my gunslinger. The target is already dead on the server side, you just haven't seen it yet due to client lag, so when you hit the second ability before the animation for the first one completes you get an update from the server telling you "already dead" and the second ability doesn't fire.


The client is out of sync with what is really going on on the server end, is what it looks like. This is inevitable to some degree, but for some reason it is more noticeable than it should be.


How many times have you seen this: you are about to kill an enemy, and then it just stands there looking at you for a second doing nothing, then suddenly decides "I'm dead" and falls down. Client out of sync, pausing to sync with server.


Or this: walk into what seems like an invisible wall for some reason, and then a second later you can move again. Client out of sync, pausing to sync with server.


I've noticed this happening more during peak times and my lagometer never measures any lag. Could be due to server processing load rather than network latency.


Hmmm. I have never experienced this bug or something. Especially considering the message you get. I know about the ability not going off at all bug but never gotten that message.

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