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Are u really that OP?


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Hallo mates,

first of all i wanna say, that english is not my native language so be so kind an ignore the one and other mistake i eventually made.


I often read in this forum, that some other vanguards solo h2+ (some speak of green h4)

with their vanguards.


My char is lvl25 right now, all points spend in shield tree. My items are mainly armscrafted blues (focus on aim>end for faster questing) and i use dorne (nearly my equip-lvl) as companion.


I really think, that i'm an experienced player and yes: i know that swtor is not maybe WoW. But i would go so far to say, that i am able to import my knowledge into this game by reading much in different forums: i know how to rotate my skills, use cd's etc. but hell:


I HAVE NO CHANCE SOLOING A GREEN H2+, where i'm confrontated with groups of maysay 2golds and 2silver lvl21 at my lvl25. Perhaps u laugh at me cause i said, i think i'm not a bad player, but i dont see, what i could change...


Are that other players really that good or just telling us how big their (space-)balls are?


THX for reading and flame on ;)

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Well, you need to use your brains a bit and you can:


- if grouped mobs -> pop defensive CDs -> kill one -> run out -> run back in -> kill second one - run out.


- use your healing companion ALWAYS


- LOS abuse, run around crates. AI is incredibly stupid and you can avoid almost all damage from a ranged mob by 'pillar kiting '



It takes a bit of time, but it can be done.


PS: No, we can't just run in, guns blazing, PEWPEW...all dies. We are not Sages/Inqs!

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I often read in this forum, that some other vanguards solo h2+ (some speak of green h4)

with their vanguards.


I HAVE NO CHANCE SOLOING A GREEN H2+, where i'm confrontated with groups of maysay 2golds and 2silver lvl21 at my lvl25. Perhaps u laugh at me cause i said, i think i'm not a bad player, but i dont see, what i could change...

Can you do H2s/H4s? Yes. Can you do them all? No.


You need to consider a few things. First of all, people in a forum try to make themself look better than many of them are. So don't believe everything written.

The next thing is, gear makes a great difference. If you are running around with your guildmates, doing Flashpoints or H4s all the time, getting crafted stuff for every slot, your equip is much better than the equip of an average player (not in a guild, being solo often).

And last but not least, and this is a big thing in SWTOR, there's a huge difference between different mobs. Some of them are easy as pie while others gave me a hard time... and some mobs/groups turned out to be impossible solo.

Edited by Borell
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Why bother? Its not as if there's a shortage of people to group up with, you get the quests done doubly quick, and the rewards are the same.


Sure, you could do it, but given the way the game throws credits and EXP at you for completing quests, its not exactly an efficient use of your time.

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so far for leveling/pve vanguard (30) is definitely better than juggernaut (44). I didn't really have problems on my juggernaut, but there was definitely more downtime.


on my vanguard I can take out even level or even +1 heroics with a heal companion and end the fight comfortably at 80% (heal pot ready). if they are melee I can likely end at 100% and just pee-shooter-ability+kite them down with 2s snare ion proc. my gear is not very good.. not bad though.


on my juggernaut it was life & death for an even-level heroic.. with 20m cooldown. I had better armor (++ slicing) but not as good heal pot (no biochem).

Edited by ururururu
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It is not so much a question of can or cannot (I've soloed H2+ before, it is really no big deal) but it is, as others said, just not an efficient use of your time.


That and the fact that it is more beneficial to do things in groups because you also get social points from it.

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