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The Lord Calypho Community Thread


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I'm seeing way too little activity here from Lord Calypho players, so spread the love or something. Anyone got any nice RP going yet? Any good RP hotspots? My character is named Celvin and I'm playing on Republic, so feel free to chat me up if you see me online. Until I find a better place to be, I usually hang around Tython or Coruscant when I'm not doing quests. I hear the Nar Shaddaa cantina is a good place for cross-faction RP, though.


So yeah, hello! :D

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Hey! Yeah, by all means. :) I'm guessing the community will kick off more when people are done leveling, but it also seems some of the other servers already have a vast RP community, which is a bit disconcerting. I constantly see people asking about RP guilds and such in general though, so hope is not lost. ^^


I discovered yesterday that there's an RP chat channel, and I'm gonna see today if there's an OOC channel as well. Otherwise I'll create one, if I figure out how to do that.

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Im just starting out on there. Whilst im certainly on the lighter side of RP i dont see what the point is in playing mmorpgs if people dont want to get a little in charactor and at least have a suitable name for a star wars charactor! (Jjohn Rambo and Dogz Bollux were the first two toons i saw on a normal pvp server so i felt to these clearly greener pastures on Calypho.


Do any of u know of any light RP/levelling guilds i can find my feet with on the server, just there doesnt seem to be an specific server forums, probably a good thing but makes shopping for guilds a bit trickier :)

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Im just starting out on there. Whilst im certainly on the lighter side of RP i dont see what the point is in playing mmorpgs if people dont want to get a little in charactor and at least have a suitable name for a star wars charactor! (Jjohn Rambo and Dogz Bollux were the first two toons i saw on a normal pvp server so i felt to these clearly greener pastures on Calypho.


Do any of u know of any light RP/levelling guilds i can find my feet with on the server, just there doesnt seem to be an specific server forums, probably a good thing but makes shopping for guilds a bit trickier :)


Well i'm currently busy with putting together a Wiki for the Calypho server where people and guilds can post their char and guild info =)

and also put their player run RP events in the spotlight however it isn't going to smoothly at this time i've finished some basic pages i feel are definetely needed and am now kind of jumbling around with the lay-out to get it right so for anyone who'd wish to help me with this initiative and especially those with CSS experience who could perhaps make a fitting template for this wiki complete with perhaps a custom star wars like logo

feel free to give me a shout right here or in-game on Amarant


the web url is http://calyphorp.wikispot.org


Mind that as of now this wiki will look very messy i'm not exactly a webpage wiz so i'm still in the process of figuring things out right now, but as i said any help is greatly appreciated =)

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Wrong place, but not entirely.


I am on Lord Calypho too and I have to say that I saw a lot of RP behaviour both in my teams and in general chat. Surely it is not always on, but so far I remember these events quite well and I hope there are even more like minded people who try to put some RP action on our server.

Edited by Maccaroth
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You produce pages really fast.


Errathe - Reducing choices will be bad. There must be the middle ground for those who don't really need an item and those who don't mind taking it for sale if nobody else decides to need it (because he/she doesn't need it). Companion button would help to clarify the whole issue, because right now some people use Greed to gear companion and some use Need.


Being communicative solves a lot of would-be problems before they can occur. I have to say that I see a lot of people here who have common sense, even if their view on the matter is a bit different. I think we could talk things through or - at worst - part in peace and understanding.


well the pages themselves aren't a problem as it uses a sort of word processing tool to make the pages all you'd have to learn is the code for the wiki itself


however getting the lay-out itself to my liking is proving rather difficult.

Which is why i'd love to get someone aboard who has knowledge of CSS and perhaps photoshop to make us a good logo =)

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