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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I feel cheated.


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I paid good extra $$$ to preorder, and yet I find out I will not be able to play until the 19th....


Seriously BioWare? I placed my faith and trust in you, and this is how it's going to be?



a very disappointed fan

Edited by jtype_sw
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I paid good extra $$$ to preorder, and yet I find out I will not be able to play until the 19th....


Seriously BioWare? I placed my faith and trust in you, and this is how it's going to be?


First, you should have read the FAQ that's been there since July explaining how Early Access would work. You wouldn't feel cheated, since you'd know this is always how it was going to work.


Second, what information do you have that the rest of us don't? Who told you the 19th?


Third: You didn't pay any more than someone who buys this game on the 20th and gets no Early Access at all.

Edited by imtrick
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What extra $ did you pay for pre-order?? The 19th? Where'd you get that assumption? They originally advertised 15th anyhow, we are currently on day 1 of the 2 bonus days they added onto the original date. Either you are a very bad troll, or a complete snob lacking any sort of reasonable intelligence.
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We understand that early access is a hot topic on the forums. For more information regarding Early Access we ask that you refer to the Early Access 'Waves' Thread.


If you would like to continue this discussion we ask that you join the ongoing discussion on the Final Wave Sent! Thread.


This will help to keep the forums organized and we encourage you to participate in the forums.

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