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Things about PVP that need Fix IMO


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Increase the medals rewarded to healers.. I play a healer and I don't get crap for medals.. I see DPS with 8+ medals that the only reason they get that is bc I keep them alive.. Kinda stupid IMO



Make it more rewarding to WIN the warzone so that people don't just sit there and farm kills as the team owns the objective...


UI lag stupid



Make it so you can rejoin if DC'd from the warzone- Since you BW cant understand how to fix Your error code 9000 for the life of you. I would like to say I have lost so much stats/money/etc from this error code in a warzone.


Also I want a full refund of my lost games from DC from warzone..



Added note.. Error code 9000 and I just got kicked off the game while write thing.. Thanks

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You want a refund of your dc times?? A refund of what game time??? you havent payed any sub time yet.


And no game company is gonna waste man time of tipping every player 2k credits because you got dc'd from a warzone.


It isnt just ONE warzone.. OR one Flash point.. Just today alone I have DC'd over 56 times.. I am sure you would feel the same way if this was an issue for you so **** and get the hell out of my thread.



Also my so called FREE time of playing came out of the 60$ that I paid for this game..

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Also I want a full refund of my lost games from DC from warzone..


So, it takes you about a minute to log back into the game, and you want a refund for each minute you lose due to disconnects.


Would you like your 0.005 cents paid in full or not?


Oh, wait. You said you disconnected 56 times.


Let's multiply that hefty lump sum by 56. Whoa! Stepping it up to 0.28 cents! That's a whopping one fifth of a cent for all of your lost time!


Don't spend it all in one place.

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