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The Gree: More Lore, Please!


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I think we all aGree: That awkward-spoken, droid-represented, polygon-and-color-expressing species that we first meet on Coruscant made for one of the best early side quest lines. Becoming a Black Bisector was one of the most entertaining experiences I've had over my (so far) 40 levels of Jedi Consular experience. My friends and I even made a guild dedicated to furthering their philosophy; such is the power of the inspiration we felt after interacting with these fun characters.


The only trouble is, when I tried to find out more about this fun species, there was nothing. Imagine my Greef! Sure, Wookiepedia has an article about a species called the Gree, but the SWTOR Gree seem to be inspired by this species, and not a 1:1 copy. The Gree in the article were very technologically advanced, and could make self-aware automata, but they also despised droids. I'm fairly well-read when it comes to SW, but I don't remember encountering a species like the SWTOR Gree before.


I had never encountered them before, and I have not encountered them since. Not one Gree has come to Greet me during my travels, nor have I heard anything more about them. Now, I'm not Greedy: I'm not asking for a Gree companion, a Gree playable race, or a Gree planet: I just want a bit more Gree story. Toss in a side quest somewhere, a lore object, a mail message from our first Gree contacts - anything!


Fellow Bisectors, I would appreciate any information that you could dig up on the Gree. And developers, or "creators of crafted solutions," as the Gree might say: Heed this short-but-spirited call from a passionate player who wants to delve a little bit deeper into the world you have created. Be our Black Bisectors by giving us more Gree; bring us closer to the Purple Parallel, and make things Orange Sphere.

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