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Only thing that bugs me.


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I don’t know if I am the only one but frankly I wished this whole “early access” crud never happened, I can easily wait till the twentieth,((And sadly my GS not doing a midnight release)).


But what annoy me is this basically take the “new mmo smell” away and I know allot of people don’t get this but there a Certain fun of starting a mmo fresh and new. No one a max level running around killing NPC, Ganking level 5 or dueling everyone 30 levels blow him.


No one has cornered the Auction house market on items making what are normally low level items cost triple what it costs and forcing it to be that way case there the only person selling it.


Not all the good names are taken, Thou some would argue that people should be more creative as a valid argument. But the fact is it nice knowing you may get a shot at a name that normally be taken by now in a normal MMO and forced to spell your name odd like Tyna instead of Tina.


I don’t know if that just me, and I know people are going to say I am whining over not getting in today ((Even thou I just said I could easily wait till the twentieth)).


But I figure this thread will be filled with “grow up kids” as that what the forum mental level is at right now.

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I totally agree with you here. The experience of starting on a fresh new MMO/server is definitely very different than joining one that has been around for a while. I would have gladly wait until 20th to get that experience, that feeling of exploring a new almost untouched place.


While I never planned to fight for server first or that kind of stuff, it's nice to keep some sort of competition with the leveling, trying to be on the first few to reach max level. I've loved that experience in the past with previous MMO. Unfortunately, it seems that this type of experience will not be possible with this one and we will have to wait for the next one!


One possibility however would be to have new servers with each new wave but I don't think they plan to do that anyway.

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