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Why are a "select few" getting to play , when we purchased the same thing?


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*Customers who redeem their Pre-Order Code at the Code Redemption Center prior to launch will be able to pre-load the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Game Client before the official Game launch. Pre-loading the Game does not grant you access to the Game. Pre-Ordering the Game only allows you access to the Early Game Access period and your Color Crystal. Early Game Access may be up to 7 days. The length of your Early Game Access depends on the date and order in which you redeemed your Pre-Order Code. In order to continue playing the Game after the Early Game Access period, you must redeem your official Game Product Registration Code at the Code Redemption Center.


From Origin.com


I'm sure I could find it on EVERY retailer's site.


What if I pre-order the day before the Game’s launch?

The length of your Early Game Access time will depend on when you redeem your Pre-Order Code and how quickly you are able to download and install the Game before the official launch of the Game. Your download time will vary according to the speed of your internet service provider. Download speeds are not constant and vary by location. The size of the final Game Client is approximately 27GB when fully installed. You should ensure you have adequate free space on your hard disk before completing your download. Finally, Early Game Access will end shortly before Star Wars: The Old Republic officially launches on December 20th, 2011 at 12:01AM EST (Pacific: December 19th, 9:01PM PST; European: December 20th, 05:01AM GMT, 06:01AM CET). We will be bringing down all servers for a short period of time before the launch of the Game. Stay tuned for more details as we get closer to launch.

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[quote name='cylak']a quote, again show me proof of were it states in on the actual box.[/QUOTE] digital order, no box, you can ask who ever has a box to show you. if you have one the do what the quote says and stop trolling. Its irrelevant anyway, the information was readily avalible on the website when you went to redeem your code.
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they should have a level cap or something people goin to be hitting 50 before official release


Dont really matter.. there is no world first or anything in swtor .. so they dont gain anything you didnt ..


Also, if you really wanted to be first, you would have preordered the second the preorder was released :)

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A few of my friends are playing, I will be in tomorrow, a lot more of my friends will not be able to play for a few days. How am I supposed to level with my guild when we don't get to play on the same day?


There will be level 50's when some people are still level 1, how is that fair?


There will be people ganking those who don't start playing until the 20th.


How is this any different than if there was NO early access at all? The game launches on the 20th, friend #1 rushes to the store and buys the game. You buy the game 3 days later. Friend #2 buys the game a week after you.


OMG! Bioware let my friends buy the game at different times than me!!! They suck! I'll never play another one of their games again because of this. And anyone else who does is an idiot!


This is what you sound like.


People....just relax. We'll all be in the game shortly. And probably BEFORE the game actually goes live to the public. Just a guess. lol

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What if I pre-order the day before the Game’s launch?

The length of your Early Game Access time will depend on when you redeem your Pre-Order Code and how quickly you are able to download and install the Game before the official launch of the Game. Your download time will vary according to the speed of your internet service provider. Download speeds are not constant and vary by location. The size of the final Game Client is approximately 27GB when fully installed. You should ensure you have adequate free space on your hard disk before completing your download. Finally, Early Game Access will end shortly before Star Wars: The Old Republic officially launches on December 20th, 2011 at 12:01AM EST (Pacific: December 19th, 9:01PM PST; European: December 20th, 05:01AM GMT, 06:01AM CET). We will be bringing down all servers for a short period of time before the launch of the Game. Stay tuned for more details as we get closer to launch.


Ok, did I miss something? I know about the pre-load and pre-order policy. Hence why I'm not crying about not being in yet.

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As much as you applaud cata I'm pretty sure that was your first MMO. Comparing the launch of an EXPANSION to the launch of a WHOLE NEW FRANCHISE is pretty dumb.


But hey, guess what, I was there when WoW was a brand new franchise on launch and IT WAS A MESS. It was a scramble to fix all the crap that was wrong. Most of the servers were a gd disaster. The only reason this launch is a disaster TO YOU is because YOU'RE NOT PLAYING RIGHT NOW.


If I was playing right now, I probably wouldn't be typing here, but I still hate this launch. I hate every head start launch, but this staggered launch is a lot worse. MMO's are about competition, remember there is no end-game, only the false end-game we provide ourselves in beating our neighbour or setting our own goals. Bioware is giving some people a head start, they win the first round because I couldnt even compete.


Cata was just the last expansion. I remember Warcraft launch as well. Two days of server crashes and constant loot lag, but at least I was in game. When the server went down, it went down for everyone. We were mad at Blizzard, but we were mad at Blizzard together. Look at these forums, there are two types of fans atm. Those that are playing and love Bioware and others that are playing. Also, those that are not playing and hate Bioware and hate those others playing. With crossovers of course.


The reason I bring up Cata is because it was successful and it is what SWTOR could have been. Bioware should have did a better stress test or added more shards, instead they alienate a great portion of their customers while rewarding a small portion. Yes, yes, pre-order sooner. You really think that is a justification for not providing a solid launch? Many other mmo's did recently such as LOTRO, AION (although it was overseas for a while), Warhammer wasnt bad (but game was released too early), EQ2, AoC was ok, and all of warcrafts expansions (which is worth mentioning because of their subscriber amount).


If all these games can do it, why can't SWTOR?


ps. I don't really care, just don't understand all the fanboyism when this staggered release DOES NOT benefit the gamers. It was only a lazy way for Bioware to launch their game instead of doing it properly like every other MMO.

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Dont really matter.. there is no world first or anything in swtor .. so they dont gain anything you didnt ..


Also, if you really wanted to be first, you would have preordered the second the preorder was released :)


guess so just kinda feels awkward people being max level before the game launched,but it really isnt a problem more of just bein awkward

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The grace period thing I can see being upset about, I didn't particularly like it even though I am entirely unaffected by it.


However it has been common knowledge since summer that EA would be staggered and that EA would be UP TO 5 days...and heres the kicker.... based on when you placed your pre order.


I really find it baffling that people are so shocked over this.

And the notion that the economy is going to be wrecked, pvp borked blah blah is ridiculous.

I'm sure the professionals at BW have more insight on this than all you armchair game designers.


The game is very fun and running smoothly, no amount of QQing will change that and the game will do fine with or without you (that sounds like it could be a catchy tune....with or withouuuttt youuuu) but Rrose Selavy to all you QQ'ers.:p

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dude....forget the box. you aren't going to get in no matter how hard you complain about it. they effectively used the words 'may' and 'up to' and people complained about it then, they will complain about it until launch. "Thats just the way it is".


Look I was mad too...I'm sure everyone who hasn't gotten the chance to play yet is upset or at the very least disappointed about not being selected, but that doesn't mean the game is changing. it's still going to be fun.


It's just not worth it to carry on a 50+ page rant about wanting to see a box, ya know? you like boxes?


go play some nude yahtzee with your grandmom and hope for the best.

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*Customers who redeem their Pre-Order Code at the Code Redemption Center prior to launch will be able to pre-load the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Game Client before the official Game launch. Pre-loading the Game does not grant you access to the Game. Pre-Ordering the Game only allows you access to the Early Game Access period and your Color Crystal. Early Game Access may be up to 7 days. The length of your Early Game Access depends on the date and order in which you redeemed your Pre-Order Code. In order to continue playing the Game after the Early Game Access period, you must redeem your official Game Product Registration Code at the Code Redemption Center.


From Origin.com


I'm sure I could find it on EVERY retailer's site.




Are you for real, again, not at any point was i made aware of this from the provider, nor is it on the box before playing the game.


Nor did the provider tell me to log onto origin.com before buying the game

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Ok, did I miss something? I know about the pre-load and pre-order policy. Hence why I'm not crying about not being in yet.



The point was here:

"The length of your Early Game Access time will depend on when you redeem your Pre-Order Code"


Thought it was pretty clear *Shrug*

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How is this any different than if there was NO early access at all? The game launches on the 20th, friend #1 rushes to the store and buys the game. You buy the game 3 days later. Friend #2 buys the game a week after you.


OMG! Bioware let my friends buy the game at different times than me!!! They suck! I'll never play another one of their games again because of this. And anyone else who does is an idiot!


This is what you sound like.


People....just relax. We'll all be in the game shortly. And probably BEFORE the game actually goes live to the public. Just a guess. lol


The way it is done now, there is no choice. The way you describe, we would all buy the game the same day. Duh?

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I've got a better idea.


The whole problem is that you feel you bought the game under false pretenses. Fine. Cancel your order. Delete your swtor.com account. Leave.


This ^^^


As soon as the whiners are let in, we wont here from them anymore. Bit if you feel truly wronged vote with your pocketbook.

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I don't understand why people feel there's such an inequality about early access.


There's always going to be that group that has been training to power level like it's the olympics. Someone's always going to level faster than you. And if you ARE one of these hardcore scary people you would have had the foresight to purchase the second it became available.

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They always are. Someone should rewrite angy brids, and call it angry nerds. Then you just keep launching them into brick walls with no effect.



... throwing angry nerds at brick walls? FORGET SW... bring on Angry Nerds!!!!

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Another amusing thought. What if the numbers being brought online into the game at once is because they are short a server because someone spilled coffee on the floor above, and the liquid drained down into the server room, and it shorted? You can't go to the local wal-mart for one.


But even if it's not (and I doubt it is), seriously... if your life revolves around this game, please just watch your email and keep hitting F5. That way you aren't pestering the rest of us :)

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If all these games can do it, why can't SWTOR?


ps. I don't really care, just don't understand all the fanboyism when this staggered release DOES NOT benefit the gamers. It was only a lazy way for Bioware to launch their game instead of doing it properly like every other MMO.

They can, but they'd rather not make the same mistakes of every single other launch before them.


I prefer waiting to sitting in a queue hoping to play, trying to play but getting kicked, crashing when trying to play, or being timed out at login. Which every single one of the games you listed and many others have had problems with at launch.


Find me an example that didn't have those problems and did launch open..and I will take your arguments seriously. Please make sure you were there at launch..because I probably was and don't want to make you look silly.

Edited by Hordequester
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If I was playing right now, I probably wouldn't be typing here, but I still hate this launch. I hate every head start launch, but this staggered launch is a lot worse. MMO's are about competition, remember there is no end-game, only the false end-game we provide ourselves in beating our neighbour or setting our own goals. Bioware is giving some people a head start, they win the first round because I couldnt even compete.


Cata was just the last expansion. I remember Warcraft launch as well. Two days of server crashes and constant loot lag, but at least I was in game. When the server went down, it went down for everyone. We were mad at Blizzard, but we were mad at Blizzard together. Look at these forums, there are two types of fans atm. Those that are playing and love Bioware and others that are playing. Also, those that are not playing and hate Bioware and hate those others playing. With crossovers of course.


The reason I bring up Cata is because it was successful and it is what SWTOR could have been. Bioware should have did a better stress test or added more shards, instead they alienate a great portion of their customers while rewarding a small portion. Yes, yes, pre-order sooner. You really think that is a justification for not providing a solid launch? Many other mmo's did recently such as LOTRO, AION (although it was overseas for a while), Warhammer wasnt bad (but game was released too early), EQ2, AoC was ok, and all of warcrafts expansions (which is worth mentioning because of their subscriber amount).


If all these games can do it, why can't SWTOR?


ps. I don't really care, just don't understand all the fanboyism when this staggered release DOES NOT benefit the gamers. It was only a lazy way for Bioware to launch their game instead of doing it properly like every other MMO.


>Entire post implying that this is the launch when December 20th is the launch

>Implying they haven't said since the beginning that the EGA was going to be based on when you preordered.


Wow, Bioware gave us 2 extra days since the original EGA was going to be 5 and all people can do is cry. Good times.

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I would love to know how many of the 'you should have ordered earlier', 'it is in the rules you agreed on' and 'stop to QQ that you cannot play like me atm' posters were as well posting on the (before forum whipe) "BW/EA screwed us as all without giving a grace period and THAT isn't fair" thread.


Wondering if a bored forum admin will one day bother to compare the stats for some 'lols'.


Am I bothered with not playing atm? - No


Will I be bothered that I have to wait for my game upon launch date? -Nope as I got it already.


Do I spend too much time reading the same over and over again on the forum? - Yes

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