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PVP Lucky Dip Bags


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I find it hilarious that with this system Bioware is giving you casuals ezmode obtainable PvP gear. Think about it you can hit the rank required lets say champion and have a nice chance at getting an epic champion piece OR they could make it so lets say the Battlemaster weapon is obtainable at rank 90 Elite warlord Valor rank and the Helm rank 80 chest 70 etc...This system your getting easymode loot and a very high probability of completeing a full battlemasters set around rank 67-68 instead of rank 90...........but i guess casuals will casual.
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I find it hilarious that with this system Bioware is giving you casuals ezmode obtainable PvP gear. Think about it you can hit the rank required lets say champion and have a nice chance at getting an epic champion piece OR they could make it so lets say the Battlemaster weapon is obtainable at rank 90 Elite warlord Valor rank and the Helm rank 80 chest 70 etc...This system your getting easymode loot and a very high probability of completeing a full battlemasters set around rank 67-68 instead of rank 90...........but i guess casuals will casual.


Easy mode? No. Every big mmo has an easier system to obtain the first set of pvp gear. It's easier to get pvp gear in WoW than it is in this one. I can have a full set of the previous tier in a week of hard core playing. Going by my math playing extremely hard core will take a month with this system. Yes that's WoW but list a game that's big where it's different. Perhaps you should learn what you're talking about before making claims. It doesn't help your argument.

Edited by Rhyltran
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I find it hilarious that with this system Bioware is giving you casuals ezmode obtainable PvP gear. Think about it you can hit the rank required lets say champion and have a nice chance at getting an epic champion piece OR they could make it so lets say the Battlemaster weapon is obtainable at rank 90 Elite warlord Valor rank and the Helm rank 80 chest 70 etc...This system your getting easymode loot and a very high probability of completeing a full battlemasters set around rank 67-68 instead of rank 90...........but i guess casuals will casual.


how does it help casuls u could play 1 bg a day an never get anything ever

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Easy mode? No. Every big mmo has an easier system to obtain the first set of pvp gear. It's easier to get pvp gear in WoW than it is in this one. I can have a full set of the previous tier in a week of hard core playing. Going by my math playing extremely hard core will take a month with this system. Yes that's WoW but list a game that's big where it's different. Perhaps you should learn what you're talking about before making claims. It doesn't help your argument.


The only reason you get a full set of welfare last season old PvP gear in WoW is so you can compete in Arena...I've played WoW for 7 years back when you could shackle undead horde..dont try to school me on that game.:rolleyes: Currently im rank 57 champion and have gotten my full champion Dps set and im only missing an implant and wrist to complete my full defense champion set....mind you I've only PvP'd for a week and a half.....easymode gearing system yes i think so.

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^^^ full of ****. Cause I have gotten more bags then that and I am at level 45 valor rank. I have been level 50 for 8days. I have completed 2 weekly pvp quests. That is 6 bags. I have completed 8 Pvp daily that's 8 Bags. I average 3 bags a day. That is 24 bags. So why is it you have only gotten 28 bags at valor 55 when I have gotten 38 bags at valor rank 45. Your facts don't add up. Sounds like you have gotten only a few bags. Your valor rank is no where near 55 and your just QQing.


That has nothing to do with it. Many people pvp alot during leveling, and while leveling your "cap" of commendations is set to 1k/1k with 1 champion bag (you cant buy more than 1 since theyre unique). So it is very easy to get over valor rank 40 (I'm 41 at level 48) and not have gotten more than 1 bag. Assuming he got to 50 at around valor rank 40 then grinded to 55, his estimates are very realistic. Your facts dont add up.


However, I do agree that the pvp random gear rewards system bioware has in place is the worst reward system I have ever seen in the history of mmos for pvp gear. Why would you ever put an item roll system into place for gear that players are grinding out and working to earn? The way they handled the earlier level pvp gear (X commendations for X gear) should hold true for level 50 pvp gear as well.

Edited by DavidHura
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how does it help casuls u could play 1 bg a day an never get anything ever


Are you level 30? didn't i just say i got almost 2 full sets one dps one tank from just the PvP grind to battle master? both champion sets in a week and 3 days...and ive only been champion for 3 days......please post when you are near battlemaster instead of reading peoples complaints because they want a full epic set in 2 hrs of wargames then complaining about broken system...The drop rate is fine people crying they dont get a full set in 4 bags is irrelevant considering you have to grind to 60 to even wear battlemaster....you know the set that actually matters...

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The only reason you get a full set of welfare last season old PvP gear in WoW is so you can compete in Arena...I've played WoW for 7 years back when you could shackle undead horde..dont try to school me on that game.:rolleyes: Currently im rank 57 champion and have gotten my full champion Dps set and im only missing an implant and wrist to complete my full defense champion set....mind you I've only PvP'd for a week and a half.....easymode gearing system yes i think so.


well i have pvp for 12 hrs a day for a week and ahalf and have3 bits so similar to u but a lot less gear


r 56 also

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^^^ full of ****. Cause I have gotten more bags then that and I am at level 45 valor rank. I have been level 50 for 8days. I have completed 2 weekly pvp quests. That is 6 bags. I have completed 8 Pvp daily that's 8 Bags. I average 3 bags a day. That is 24 bags. So why is it you have only gotten 28 bags at valor 55 when I have gotten 38 bags at valor rank 45. Your facts don't add up. Sounds like you have gotten only a few bags. Your valor rank is no where near 55 and your just QQing.


He pvp'd while he leveled. I was valor rank 49 when I hit 50...



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I find it hilarious that with this system Bioware is giving you casuals ezmode obtainable PvP gear. Think about it you can hit the rank required lets say champion and have a nice chance at getting an epic champion piece OR they could make it so lets say the Battlemaster weapon is obtainable at rank 90 Elite warlord Valor rank and the Helm rank 80 chest 70 etc...This system your getting easymode loot and a very high probability of completeing a full battlemasters set around rank 67-68 instead of rank 90...........but i guess casuals will casual.


So because you've been lucky with your bags, it's a good system?


Yea ok guy.

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The only reason you get a full set of welfare last season old PvP gear in WoW is so you can compete in Arena...I've played WoW for 7 years back when you could shackle undead horde..dont try to school me on that game.:rolleyes: Currently im rank 57 champion and have gotten my full champion Dps set and im only missing an implant and wrist to complete my full defense champion set....mind you I've only PvP'd for a week and a half.....easymode gearing system yes i think so.


Lol, what matters is currently. There you go again. "It's fine because I'm lucky." You're not everyone. You continue to shout out that you're lucky. I don't see how that has baring on the system. No matter how much you scream "I'm lucky." it doesn't provide an argument. I don't see what "I'm lucky." has to do with the pvp system or it's flaws. So yes. I did school you. You claimed that it's easy mode compared to other mmo's.


Then I point out a big one and you backpedal going "It's so you can arena easier.." it still exists does it not? The same logic can apply. It needs to be easier and less luck based so people can compete easier with those who are lucky. You've yet to back up any arguments you made. Here's how you argue.


"System is fine."


-person explains how it isn't."


"Well I'm lucky."




"I'm lucky!"


Where are you going with this




Uh.. okay?




Now you're just trolling.

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I find it hilarious that with this system Bioware is giving you casuals ezmode obtainable PvP gear. Think about it you can hit the rank required lets say champion and have a nice chance at getting an epic champion piece OR they could make it so lets say the Battlemaster weapon is obtainable at rank 90 Elite warlord Valor rank and the Helm rank 80 chest 70 etc...This system your getting easymode loot and a very high probability of completeing a full battlemasters set around rank 67-68 instead of rank 90...........but i guess casuals will casual.


war cat u got lucky dont u get it other are not as lucky

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Lol, what matters is currently. There you go again. "It's fine because I'm lucky." You're not everyone. You continue to shout out that you're lucky. I don't see how that has baring on the system. No matter how much you scream "I'm lucky." it doesn't provide an argument. I don't see what "I'm lucky." has to do with the pvp system or it's flaws. So yes. I did school you. You claimed that it's easy mode compared to other mmo's.


Then I point out a big one and you backpedal going "It's so you can arena easier.." it still exists does it not? The same logic can apply. It needs to be easier and less luck based so people can compete easier with those who are lucky. You've yet to back up any arguments you made. Here's how you argue.


"System is fine."


-person explains how it isn't."


"Well I'm lucky."




"I'm lucky!"


Where are you going with this




Uh.. okay?




Now you're just trolling.



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Warcat. I challenge you. Name a big mmo where gearing up is currently much harder than this current system. Name one where everyone. Lucky or not. Ends up taking longer to gear up. I have not played a single major mmo where it takes a very unlucky person a month of hardcore playing to gear up in the WEAKEST SET.


You're misunderstanding people here. No one is asking for ease mode. There's currently three tiers. The first tier shouldn't be relatively difficult. The second tier should take longer and require more dedication than the first tier. The third tier should require high valor and quite a bit of dedication. It should be the hardest and longest to obtain. Currently if you're lucky you end up with tier 2 easily. If you're unlucky tier 2 is hard and Tier 1 is long. So lucky people skip tier 1. Unlucky people are grinding for long periods of time just for the first tier. This is broken.

Edited by Rhyltran
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Why did bioware or aids think rng was a good idea?






aids = mythic


Personally I don't mind the range much. I have a few tweaks that'll make it a lot less painful.


Tweak A. If they love the bag system so much. 20 Warzone commendations for 10 Mercenary commendations.


Tweak B. Everything remains as is except with one change. There are centurion bags. Centurion bags require 100 Warzone 100 Mercenary. They have a 100% chance to drop Centurion gear and 3 Centurion marks. Champion bags now drop 3 champion commendations or 1 piece of Champion gear. It's luck based however. Dailies now award Centurion bags rather than champion bags and champion bags rather than battlemaster. Battle master bags drop 3 battlemaster commendations or 1 piece of battlemaster gear.


Tweak B has several effects. One. The weakest pvp set is pretty easy to obtain. It makes competing much easier. The second set is easier but not overly so. It's viable. Centurion can be gathered by casuals. Centurion for the slightly more hardcore and battlemaster for the truly hardcore. Battlemaster isn't that much superior to champion but for truly optimizing your char it's the long term goal.

Edited by Rhyltran
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Personally I don't mind the range much. I have a few tweaks that'll make it a lot less painful.


Tweak A. If they love the bag system so much. 20 Warzone commendations for 10 Mercenary commendations.


Tweak B. Everything remains as is except with one change. There are centurion bags. Centurion bags require 100 Warzone 100 Mercenary. They have a 100% chance to drop Centurion gear and 3 Centurion marks. Champion bags now drop 3 champion commendations or 1 piece of Champion gear. It's luck based however.


better but do they listen all i ever see from bioware on these forums is how well they are doing and how good there game is and i dont see any of the 10 major pvp issues being addresd on the ptr or patch notes

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better but do they listen all i ever see from bioware on these forums is how well they are doing and how good there game is and i dont see any of the 10 major pvp issues being addresd on the ptr or patch notes


I know. I just don't get why my suggestion wasn't implemented in the first place. It's a far more logical gear progression. The gear progression in my suggestions transitions far more smoothly and makes far more sense. Yes it's still random. Yes people can get unlucky but at least the first epic set isn't a pain to get so competing isn't overly difficult. It still satisfies the more hardcore players as in the end they'd still obtain better gear but this creates an easy, middle, and hard progression.


I'd imagine the more hardcore would simply skip centurion entirely but that's the point of tiers. Centurion would be the casual tier.

Edited by Rhyltran
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I am not lucky in the least bit i've just opened up a helluva lot more bags than you. And it is still irrelevant because it doesn't take long to blow thru centurion / champion to hit battlemaster and then start getting bags for the gear that actually matters....battlemaster set..there is no way in helll you dont get a full battlemaster set before rank 90 its impossible and thats how it should be. you will most likely complete a full battlemaster by rank 67 since you willl have opened a TON of bags. Edited by warkat
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Lol, what matters is currently. There you go again. "It's fine because I'm lucky." You're not everyone. You continue to shout out that you're lucky. I don't see how that has baring on the system. No matter how much you scream "I'm lucky." it doesn't provide an argument. I don't see what "I'm lucky." has to do with the pvp system or it's flaws. So yes. I did school you. You claimed that it's easy mode compared to other mmo's.


Then I point out a big one and you backpedal going "It's so you can arena easier.." it still exists does it not? The same logic can apply. It needs to be easier and less luck based so people can compete easier with those who are lucky. You've yet to back up any arguments you made. Here's how you argue.


"System is fine."


-person explains how it isn't."


"Well I'm lucky."




"I'm lucky!"


Where are you going with this




Uh.. okay?




Now you're just trolling.


what are you talking about WoW awards you with Last season PvP gear for doing AV EOTS etc oh wow grats on ur old gear...The gear that matters requires 2200 which most of the playerbase can't even obtain...

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I am not lucky in the least bit i've just opened up a helluva lot more bags than you. And it is still irrelevant because it doesn't take long to blow thru centurion / champion to hit battlemaster and then start getting bags for the gear that actually matters....battlemaster set..there is no way in helll you dont get a full battlemaster set before rank 90 its impossible and thats how it should be. you will most likely complete a full battlemaster by rank 67 since you willl have opened a TON of bags.


haha this guy is thick , no u have not farmed more bags than a rank 60 battlemaster and the guy owned you and posted a link to his screen shots and he is sturggling to get gear so u have been lucky and you have said so yourself 5 times .

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Warcat. I challenge you. Name a big mmo where gearing up is currently much harder than this current system. Name one where everyone. Lucky or not. Ends up taking longer to gear up. I have not played a single major mmo where it takes a very unlucky person a month of hardcore playing to gear up in the WEAKEST SET.


You're misunderstanding people here. No one is asking for ease mode. There's currently three tiers. The first tier shouldn't be relatively difficult. The second tier should take longer and require more dedication than the first tier. The third tier should require high valor and quite a bit of dedication. It should be the hardest and longest to obtain. Currently if you're lucky you end up with tier 2 easily. If you're unlucky tier 2 is hard and Tier 1 is long. So lucky people skip tier 1. Unlucky people are grinding for long periods of time just for the first tier. This is broken.


Look Rift it takes couple months to hit max rank to buy the gear...I will have my full battlemaster set in 3 weeks from now guarenteed ill be around rank 70 valor. You people are crazy thinking its hard to gear in this game. 2 full sets almost in a week lawl??

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what are you talking about WoW awards you with Last season PvP gear for doing AV EOTS etc oh wow grats on ur old gear...The gear that matters requires 2200 which most of the playerbase can't even obtain...


In competitive premade vs premade Centurion gear is as competitive as last season's gear in arena. You're still not making a point. You also pointed out how in a week you've obtained gear. I've opened 24 bags without receiving a single piece of gear. It also doesn't matter. In the end you can get epic gear easier.


You don't know how to argue do you? When you compare systems. You have to compare systems. In this case the lowest tier gear must be compared with WoW's lowest tier gear and the highest. Basically you proved this. Battlemaster is arguably easier to obtain than WoW's hardest gear but SWTOR weakest tier is far harder and longer to obtain than WoW's lowest tier.


You did it again. Two full sets within a week. Some of us are opening obscene numbers of bags WITHOUT A SINGLE PIECE OF GEAR. You're doing it again.


"I'm not lucky. LOL I'M JUST LUCKY."

Edited by Rhyltran
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haha this guy is thick , no u have not farmed more bags than a rank 60 battlemaster and the guy owned you and posted a link to his screen shots and he is sturggling to get gear so u have been lucky and you have said so yourself 5 times .


i only seen the screen shot of the champion on page 4 looked like a female i haven't seen any battlemaster one and if so open up inventory and mouseover i wanna see how many epics u have....I harely doubt he only has 1 pvp epic or some ****.

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Look Rift it takes couple months to hit max rank to buy the gear...I will have my full battlemaster set in 3 weeks from now guarenteed ill be around rank 70 valor. You people are crazy thinking its hard to gear in this game. 2 full sets almost in a week lawl??


did u even listen to the buy that is r60 and farming bm bags ATM .... he has none and is 1 week ahead of at least as you are not 60 .



i really really hope the rng monster gets u and u never get any bm gear

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