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PVP Lucky Dip Bags


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I'm Valor rank 55 and over the last week have opened 28 champion bags and received 0 items. Is this seriously how the game is meant to be?


All my friends and guildmates (Valor rank 20-30) have full gear.. how is it even possible.


Effort isnt rewarded.


I unsubscribed today anwyays.

Edited by illsley
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Did you completely forget about the Centurion Commendations? You can buy PvP gear with those you know. Getting the champion gear is just a bonus based on luck.


If you don't have the time to grind for the gear you want then why should you keep playing? Good job unsubscribing. There have been plenty of posts like this already and it is clear that people are not understanding that they might ACTUALLY HAVE TO GRIND in an MMO. Shoking.

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Ive grinded plenty of games dozens of hours a day. And this game too. To buy one item with those commendations would take 20 bags, and you can get maybe 5-7 bags per day through grinding warzones plus 2 from dailies.


So in mayble 4 months ill have all the gear? When others get better gear all free with lucky dip.


This game doesnt reward any effort what so ever. Its pure luck based.

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Did you completely forget about the Centurion Commendations? You can buy PvP gear with those you know. Getting the champion gear is just a bonus based on luck.


If you don't have the time to grind for the gear you want then why should you keep playing? Good job unsubscribing. There have been plenty of posts like this already and it is clear that people are not understanding that they might ACTUALLY HAVE TO GRIND in an MMO. Shoking.


The system is terrible, it has nothing to do with effort, and everything to do with luck. Those who are lucky not only get geared sooner but they are also getting the higher quality gear. I can put two to three times the effort of someone else, but, i am unlucky so i get worse gear at a much slower rate.


If you read his post you would realize the problem is not the grind, it is the fact that lucky people get geared faster for far less effort. I have a guild-mate who got 5 bags, every single bag had a piece of gear in it and they were all different. I opened 10 bags got 3 pieces and all were relics. And then you get people like the OP who opened 28 bags and received nothing.


The system should be reversed, the bags should give champ commendations, with a chance of centurion gear. But since they wont do that, they need to increase the rate at which unlucky people can get and decrease the Rate at which lucky people can get gear. You do this by increasing Centurion commendation per bag from 3 to 5 if you don't get gear. And then Champion gear should require Centurion Commendation along with the incomplete piece gear.

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I'm Valor rank 55 and over the last week have opened 28 champion bags and received 0 items. Is this seriously how the game is meant to be?


All my friends and guildmates (Valor rank 20-30) have full gear.. how is it even possible.


Effort isnt rewarded.


I unsubscribed today anwyays.


^^^ full of ****. Cause I have gotten more bags then that and I am at level 45 valor rank. I have been level 50 for 8days. I have completed 2 weekly pvp quests. That is 6 bags. I have completed 8 Pvp daily that's 8 Bags. I average 3 bags a day. That is 24 bags. So why is it you have only gotten 28 bags at valor 55 when I have gotten 38 bags at valor rank 45. Your facts don't add up. Sounds like you have gotten only a few bags. Your valor rank is no where near 55 and your just QQing.

Edited by Furyofwar
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Ive grinded plenty of games dozens of hours a day. And this game too. To buy one item with those commendations would take 20 bags, and you can get maybe 5-7 bags per day through grinding warzones plus 2 from dailies.


So in mayble 4 months ill have all the gear? When others get better gear all free with lucky dip.


This game doesnt reward any effort what so ever. Its pure luck based.


1. There are only 2 dozen hours in a day, don't be dramatic.


2. 20 Champ bags for 1 piece? I have gotten 3 cent tokens each bag so that's 60 tokens...most items are 24-37 cent tokens.


I agree its a stupid system, but you are being a bit emo. Just keep going to rank 60 and start not getting the Battlemaster gear :p


Edit/PS: No one cares if you are unsubscribing to the game. We don't see your monthly sub fee.

Edited by icehacka
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^^^ full of ****. Cause I have gotten more bags then that and I am at level 45 valor rank.


I have opened 48 bags in total. The last 28 bags in a row have had nothing in at all. I have 4 Champion items in total. So take your assumptions and bad manners else where.

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I do not mind grinding that is why im nearly valor rank 60 , I quite enjoy it.


When u grind and grind and grind and get no rewards / inspect valor rank 20's with full gear it does make u feel like is there a point to it.



Just make the gear have a valor requirement make it really hard to gain valor ranks (the grindy bit) and just let us buy the gear .


This Will destroy the pvp community soon as it will get fixed at some points because it is broken if someone goes 28 bags with nothing.


but by the time they fix it the game has been uninstalled and peoples will to live has been broken and the wasted hours dont come back

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Not even Aion had RNG when it came to getting your pvp gear, and that game had more RNG than most people will ever care to see in another game. Whoever designed this system is an idiot. Pvp gear should be a grind, not RNG dropped based.
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Second time I've posted this today...


I can't tell you how many bags I opened on the way to 60 Valor. Now.. I have opened 8 Battlemaster bags... All I get is Com's to buy the Champion set that I already have minus the one piece that never dropped in over 50+ bags... gg


On a side note, my companion has his full set.. minus that one piece.... Wish I could gear up other companions, but I only have one that uses my type gear.


The system is lacking and my finger has more than once hovered over the unsubscribe button :)

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QQ moar, im rank 56 and got my full dps set / 1 piece from my defense set all champion...And it doesn't matter cause when i hit rank 60 ill be getting battlemaster..as for as the 28 bags and no epic i call BS fraps or stream ur bag opening because noway its that bad luck i've opened up 4 bags and gotten 2 epics before.
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Second time I've posted this today...


I can't tell you how many bags I opened on the way to 60 Valor. Now.. I have opened 8 Battlemaster bags... All I get is Com's to buy the Champion set that I already have minus the one piece that never dropped in over 50+ bags... gg


On a side note, my companion has his full set.. minus that one piece.... Wish I could gear up other companions, but I only have one that uses my type gear.


The system is lacking and my finger has more than once hovered over the unsubscribe button :)


Great so it gets worse ....

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Second time I've posted this today...


I can't tell you how many bags I opened on the way to 60 Valor. Now.. I have opened 8 Battlemaster bags... All I get is Com's to buy the Champion set that I already have minus the one piece that never dropped in over 50+ bags... gg


On a side note, my companion has his full set.. minus that one piece.... Wish I could gear up other companions, but I only have one that uses my type gear.


The system is lacking and my finger has more than once hovered over the unsubscribe button :)


screen shot me your rank 61+ or cool story brah. Because if u were on the grind you already knew what you were getting into about it being rng and would have quit way before 61 valor...since your contemplating unsubbing.

Edited by warkat
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QQ moar, im rank 56 and got my full dps set / 1 piece from my defense set all champion...And it doesn't matter cause when i hit rank 60 ill be getting battlemaster..as for as the 28 bags and no epic i call BS fraps or stream ur bag opening because noway its that bad luck i've opened up 4 bags and gotten 2 epics before.


read the post above u wont be getting battlemaster lol and yes he opened 28 bags over 6-7 days no gear

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screen shot me you and his level 40 toons i bet money you aren't even a champion and he isn't even a battlemaster..guarenteed.


log on to niman server and ill come and meet u show show u my valor rank make a char and tell me the name

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as for the rank 61 i do not know him but yes i am a champ and so is the original poster


screen shot me your toon or cool story bro...because i have gotten 2 sets dps / tank set and im rank 56...your claiming so nonsense like u barely got 1-2 epics or something...

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screen shot me your toon or cool story bro...because i have gotten 2 sets dps / tank set and im rank 56...your claiming so nonsense like u barely got 1-2 epics or something...


im not screen shotting anything but log onto eu pvp server niman and ill meet u in the level 1 start zone

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