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some thoughts on why marauder is broken


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(i wrote this in another thread, but it was a bit off topic and i would love to hear all your thoughts on the matter)


i'm still not convinced that marauder or more importantly SW is as bad a class as every1 makes out, most MMORPGs try to make all classes equally balanced just in different ways. however alot of ppl say sith warrior and jedi knights are not as good to play as there blaster totting friends. this got me thinking, jedi knights and sith warriors are extremely iconic, and maybe they have been purposely made this way (i think hard to play, not underpowered) so to try and spread the playerbase out abit or you could easly end up with every1 picking a lightsaber over a blaster,


the way it is now, alot of ppl have first tried sith warrior, not liked it then picked a BH or something, but alot are too stubborn to change from SW because they want to play an icon, thus the player base is spread out. is this an accident, or is this design? or am i reading to much into a broken system?

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