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Just got Elara Dorne, which companion should I use?


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I wish 4X was good. But alas he sucks. I love his personality and his story.


I'm a gunnery spec and I've used Dorne since the moment I got her.

She is the clear choice. It takes me only 10 more seconds to kill all level mobs(standard, elite, boss) but I always come out of fights at full health and full ammo.


With 4X he would usually be almost dead at the end of each fight and would almost certainly die on boss fights.

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I guess if one of you is healing it's easier to stay up when things get messy. If you're dps'ing then Dorne is great; if you're going mainly heal take one of the others.


Ultimately, it's probably more about what you like doing and your play-style - dps race or survivability or something in-between.


Cunning is fine for healing - look at her Bonus Healing and Bonus Damage stats on her character sheet. Aim, however, will help her produce a little more damage when she doesn't need to heal. The good thing about this is she takes the same gear and stats as you, so you can share gear/cast-offs.

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To the OP, why would you limit yourself to using just one companion? I swap them off depending on the situation. If I'm fighting a mob that hits like a truck, the heals are nice. If I'm grinding AOE mobs, then Jorgan with the AOE stance. If fighting boths packs and an elite, the tankbot is nice. In groups, whatever role isn't present, pull the right companion out. That's why we have them, variety and changes in situation. Gear them all, and use them well. You're better off for it.
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I'm dps specced and I use Aric and we kill mobs pretty fast but I do have to use recharge and reload after every or every other fight but it only takes a few seconds so I'm ok with it, I tried dorne which made elite mobs a lot easier to take down but I'm sticking with Aric for now.
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Elara or Aric?


I am 21 and Gunnery Spec and about to do the "Bonus" Taris quests if that matters.


Thanks in advance for your input!


I went back to Aric after gearing-up Elara and giving her a go. Two gankers simply run through tough fights much better. Her healing you, doesn't really make up for her lack of offense.


Plus, sometimes, she just doesn't heal you... Whether it's because she's legitimately on cool-downs or her just because her semi-wonky AI just decides to ignore you.

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Elara is definitely the fastest to level with, you don't have to wait after fights to reload/reheal, just go after the next mob.


I do that by destroying my enemies quickly. Rather than taking three-times longer because Elara doesn't have any dps to speak of...


I may have to heal, on occassion, but I've found I can go multi-groups with Aric and not concern myself with the issue. It's just boom, boom, boom and move to the next group...

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If you are gunnery, Elara is the best no contest.



Different styles. I'm gank fitted and so is Aric. We burn stuff down so fast we take little, if any, damage.


But this comes at a gear costs as I have to keep us both really, really fitted. You can't do this running around with a bunch of greens ten levels underneath you.

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  • 3 years later...

I also just got Elara, she's on my ship, but when I toggle to her in the companion screen to select her, I can't get her to leave the ship. I tried selecting her to use and she won't leave the ship with me on Taris or Nar Shaddaa...my companion defaults back to Aric.


How do I select her as my companion? I guess I'm not doing it correctly.

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I also just got Elara, she's on my ship, but when I toggle to her in the companion screen to select her, I can't get her to leave the ship. I tried selecting her to use and she won't leave the ship with me on Taris or Nar Shaddaa...my companion defaults back to Aric.


How do I select her as my companion? I guess I'm not doing it correctly.


When you leave the ship, open up your Crew Skills tab at the top of your screen, it's the one that looks like a diamond, and click on the button to the right of her pic.

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