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marauder levling


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cause i find myself using the skills randomly sometimes and i would like to have a base so i dont screw dps.


There is no "set rotation", this isn't like other traditional MMO's where you can use the same 5 skills over and over.

The Marauder is given a TON of skills, but whether or not you live or die depends on you using all of them at certain times depending on the situation.

You have to adapt.


My suggestion is if you're using stuff randomly, you need to read what each skill does, and learn them.

If you're just hitting random skills you will be severely underutilizing your class and will end up dead 95% of the time.

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Cloak - Charge - Deadly Saber (in air) - Brutal Assault - Rupture


That'll give you a good start on a mob. After that it's all priorities.


See, even that changes based on level, or gear.

Pop a relic, charge, DS (in air) Smash, Hilt attack (can't remember the name offhand).

Dead mob almost every time.

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It really is all situational. Right now I run carnage, do good dmg and contribute to groups.


Example 1: Multiple Targets- Pick middle target, Charge-Throw-Smash----> Do what needs to be done.


I try to think of the rage system as a combo point system, moves to get rage moves to use rage (I know that this should go without saying). This allows me to set up my shortcuts based on this. If I find myself waiting on cooldowns i will use the move that is a channeled ability (forget the name) until my cooldowns come back up and I start over again.


One thing that you have to remember is YOU HAVE AN INTERRUPT, for the love of everything that is darkside use it when the guy is casting something.


May thing about this class that makes people say OMG PLS FIX, is they do not have a good understanding off all the abilities and without a VERY GOOD understanding you can not hit the button to kill the stuff at the appropriate time. Read your abilities and just try it out, who really cares if you die, but then you know, and knowing is half the battle.

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