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My Two cents about the current state of Mercenaries


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Ok, whats the problem here? We got:

1)electro dart (30s)

2)conc missle (1min)

3)jet boost (20s if speccd)

4)rocket punch knockback (9s)

5) cc breaker (on around 2 min from what i can remember.)


And on top of this we got our main survival skill: electro shield That reduces damage by 25%, gives 30% less interrupt on channel spells (and immunity to interrupt skills) and gives 20% more healing on self. + 2 heals on 1,5 and 2 sec cd's...



If Youre PVP specced we are beasts that cant be killed becouse of our survivality and we deal "decent" damage (and im not even using tracer missle).


So If Youre going all pew pew without survivality, Youre doing it wrong.

Edited by Gunthr
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And this guy isn't even all that great, rarely abuses the CRAZY synergy that unload has within the arsenal tree. (Hint its your hardest hitting single ability and its very useful for cycling into your rotation to maintain a good heat level)


IMO, a real nice fix to Mercs would be to allow movement while doing Unload. With the slow talented Unload, it could be used as a CC while moving away, although a slight one. It would definitely help out our survivability.

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I don't see any need for additional 'escape' abilities. Jet boost usually gives enough time to fire off a heal, or rocket punch + talented unload slows and often decimates, especially if you've softened 'em up with a few tm's. It's all about timing and playing to our strengths. That said, it's possible that another class fits your playstyle better than this one. It happens to the best of us, nothing wrong with it. But I'm always willing to offer advise should anyone need it. Don't pretend to be the best, but i'm decent, know my class, and i'm friendly and helpful.
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