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Help with Level 50 final boss of story as Assassin


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I have never had any problems with any of the quest mobs until this guy.


His spells at the beginning are easy to interrupt, but what am I supposed to do when he starts spamming force storm?


I can't heal Khem, and the force storm casts are uninterruptable.


How did you guys beat this? I'm Deception spec.

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force storm is easy to avoid, and during the spam he's uninterruptable, just let him attack and hit him with shock and lightning from a distance, once he stops spamming force storm move in to attack.


if you have khem in middle of the force storm hit ctrl + 2 to put him on passive and back out. then when it drops hit ctrl+2 again to make him unpassive

Edited by DarthVenizen
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I had to use a healing companion for that fight. It's easy to dodge the Force Storms but Khem will probably just die on them since the boss often casts them on top of himself. Also while his DPS is low, he does have 60K HP + he heals himself, so he is likely to outlast you without a healer. You don't really need a tank for that fight since most of his attacks are ground effects that are completely avoidable and does way too much damage to be tanked in the first place. But when I tried it without a healer companion, the occasional Force Lightning he does will still eventually make me run out of HP before he run out.
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Its uninterruptible, but I'm pretty sure you can stun/move/grip him out of it.


Which means electrcute, spike, overload, and force pull.


Oh i guess you are missing half of those as deception.


Well...go darkness, the master spec =X

Edited by theonepanda
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You cant electrocute him/spike him out of his storm madness but its easy to avoid. As a darkness madness mix though the fight was easy with a healer companion. Just moved whenever the circles on the ground clearly indicated where he was striking being sure not to run close to my companion and Death Field/shocked him till he snapped out of it.. then moved back in and killed him the rest of the way.
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Yeah this fight sucks if you haven't been gearing Talos. Oops.


I dinged 50 at 3AM on my way to finish the class story quests and wasn't about to go spend time to buy him a bunch of whatever healing gear he needed so I just called in a couple guildies and cheesed it so I could go to sleep.


I have no shame.

Edited by punman
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I dinged 50 yesterday and I used Talos for all epic mobs without ever gearing him. I was spec'd as hybrid darkness/madness though. If I could not tank the mobs straight up and Talos couldn't keep up with the heals, I just semi-kited them around using shock/force lightning/crushing darkness.
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I had no gear on Talos beyond what he started with and still beat him easy, but couldn't come close to beating him with Xalek or Khem who I've been gearing. All the ground effects are targeted on you, who should be in his melee range, and Talos is ranged, so he'll pretty much avoid all the ground effects without even trying. The damage the boss does is very minimal if you don't step in the ground effects. The only reason you even need heals is that he has a ton of HPs so there's still a chance you might run out of HP before he does even with his extremely low DPS. Talos with his starting gear can easily keep you up through the occasional Force Lightning you end up taking assuming you avoid all the ground effects.


I find that all the bosses with ground effects pretty much eat up melee companions since the boss cast that on top of themselves, so even if you avoided it your companion dies in the first 15 seconds and you probably aren't going to beat the boss solo.

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lvl 50 Deception - Xalek - Run around when he does the storm and avoid it, use a combination of jolt/low slash/Overload to interrupt him when you can, if you miss an interrupt, get xalek out of the aoe by making him passive briefly. Didn't need health pots, just used a presence stim.


If you use the three skills i mentioned to stop his casts it's easy.

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