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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sith Inquisitor ***


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so i was glad that i got to 40 and had bought all the pvp vendor gear.


so iam not under gear or anything.


and got in to hutboll warzone


and guess what all in the sith team was Sith Inquisitor ??


and top of that lvl 20 ye absorb all my dmg even the last skill in my tree ???

all my ammo went on absorb on that Sith Inquisitor lvl 20


BW need to do something about this matter for real.

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so i was glad that i got to 40 and had bought all the pvp vendor gear.


so iam not under gear or anything.


and got in to hutboll warzone


and guess what all in the sith team was Sith Inquisitor ??


and top of that lvl 20 ye absorb all my dmg even the last skill in my tree ???

all my ammo went on absorb on that Sith Inquisitor lvl 20


BW need to do something about this matter for real.


I eat sith inqui's for bfast on my sage. They suck.

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so i was glad that i got to 40 and had bought all the pvp vendor gear.


FYI that's not PvP gear, it's just normal gear(but good gear) you can buy with Warzone Commendations. They have no Expertise, so you are still undergeared. You can only get Expertise gear at level 50, except for the weapons which have Expertise even on the lower level ones.

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