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why do you think marauders are broken?


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you are not a tank, why do you expect to have tank like survivability? Yeah some classes have heavy armor, but in reality it does't do much seeing how every ranged class has channeled and casted abilities that can be interrupted and pushed back. THus making them live a little longer but do far less damage.


Because unlike our range counterparts in MEDIUM armor we are having to deal with aoe, aoe CC, and everything else being melee without stealth entails

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Because unlike our range counterparts in MEDIUM armor we are having to deal with aoe, aoe CC, and everything else being melee without stealth entails


that part of being a melee class, i know that seems to be beyond your comprehension. However in the talent trees there are things like reduced AoE damage, reduced internal and elemental damage.


The tools are there to survive just fine you just rather QQ about it then actually use them.

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Simple fact is if your having an issue with DPS it's you. Not the class you.


If you have trouble with surviving and you are using all your cd's ......


(which lets face it if you are using all your defensive cd's simply to survive in PvE content there is an issue, or relying on having a single healing companion out all the time or having to stop and use channel hatred after every pack regardless of what the mobs "rated" strength is)


... then don't bother posting on the forums. At this point all that is required for Bioware to pay attention to the class is sub cancelling. There a segment of non competitive players that think the class is fine. Let them think that. But if the game survives the next 3 months ....


(news flash it won't)


... then they can sit and wonder why they do so easily on AoE effects in raid content, over stress healers in Raid content and become the spec and class that no one wants to bring to Raid content.


Let them pretend the class is fine and perfect because they can roll their face across the keyboard in PvP and have no fluid understanding of what competitive play really is.


Just cancel your sub. Show Bioware that the game wasn't ready for release and make damned sure that by the end of the first billing cycle better patch's have been released then the one that is lined up for this Tuesday.

Edited by wrmrstacrdwower
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Simple fact is if your having an issue with DPS it's you. Not the class you.


If you have trouble with surviving and you are using all your cd's ......


(which lets face it if you are using all your defensive cd's simply to survive in PvE content there is an issue, or relying on having a single healing companion out all the time or having to stop and use channel hatred after every pack regardless of what the mobs "rated" strength is)


... then don't bother posting on the forums. At this point all that is required for Bioware to pay attention to the class is sub cancelling. There a segment of non competitive players that think the class is fine. Let them think that. But if the game survives the next 3 months ....


(news flash it won't)


... then they can sit and wonder why they do so easily on AoE effects in raid content, over stress healers in Raid content and become the spec and class that no one wants to bring to Raid content.


Let them pretend the class is fine and perfect because they can roll their face across the keyboard in PvP and have no fluid understanding of what competitive play really is.


Just cancel your sub. Show Bioware that the game wasn't ready for release and make damned sure that by the end of the first billing cycle better patch's have been released then the one that is lined up for this Tuesday.

lol the biggest launch and best launch of any MMO in history will be dead inside of 3 months??? please go back to wow...

Edited by Hizoka
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that part of being a melee class, i know that seems to be beyond your comprehension. However in the talent trees there are things like reduced AoE damage, reduced internal and elemental damage.


The tools are there to survive just fine you just rather QQ about it then actually use them.


You know I think I have tried to have a conversation with you before and if I recall you are a bit of a known troll so I am not going to try to explain to you common sense


gl to you in game

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Please understand the class being broken has nothing to do with skill.... strategy.... or not being a moron to make it effective. I am sure a person can take a fully armed soldier out with a well thrown brick, this does not make it an effective weapon in war.


The mechanics of the class are twisted and not very well thought out


hahahahahahaha. best thing ive heard.ever.

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You know I think I have tried to have a conversation with you before and if I recall you are a bit of a known troll so I am not going to try to explain to you common sense


gl to you in game


Calling it like it is without kissing the behinds of the people being corrected doesn't make you a troll. Just because you got called out for not knowing your skill tree is on you, not Hizoka

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lol the biggest launch and best launch of any MMO in history will be dead inside of 3 months??? please go back to wow...

AoC had the biggest launch of an MMO then it was Aion and then Rift. Not to mention that Bioware had the development time of SWTOR when those MMO's were released to see what they would need to do on SWTORs release. You don't give Bioware a cookie for doing their jobs. Well in the case of SWTOR 1/8th of their jobs.


All you prove is that new products can draw attention in the MMO marketplace. What that attention is unfortunately is a bunch of lackluster ******* that prefer poor game play and design mechanics that don't function properly which has become something that companies can get away with all because it isn't WoW or Blizzard related.


And I don't need to go back to WoW. I play both games. And unfortunately the game with the 10 year old game engine is better then the game that has just spent 6 years in development.


But by all means enjoy paying 15 a month for a single player game because the MMO mechanics are that bad.


MLG trashed the game for a reason along with others.

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AoC had the biggest launch of an MMO then it was Aion and then Rift. Not to mention that Bioware had the development time of SWTOR when those MMO's were released to see what they would need to do on SWTORs release. You don't give Bioware a cookie for doing their jobs. Well in the case of SWTOR 1/8th of their jobs.


All you prove is that new products can draw attention in the MMO marketplace. What that attention is unfortunately is a bunch of lackluster ******* that prefer poor game play and design mechanics that don't function properly which has become something that companies can get away with all because it isn't WoW or Blizzard related.


And I don't need to go back to WoW. I play both games. And unfortunately the game with the 10 year old game engine is better then the game that has just spent 6 years in development.


But by all means enjoy paying 15 a month for a single player game because the MMO mechanics are that bad.


MLG trashed the game for a reason along with others.


I have been playing MMOs since they were text based, and I am thoroughly enjoying this game. if you hate it so much and its so fail, prove it and quit. Until then your paying that 15 bux just like everyone else, with the exception that you are an insufferable **** about it.

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I have been playing MMOs since they were text based, and I am thoroughly enjoying this game. if you hate it so much and its so fail, prove it and quit. Until then your paying that 15 bux just like everyone else, with the exception that you are an insufferable **** about it.

Fist billing cycle hasn't started yet so I am still on the free game time. And I don't hate the game. As a single player game it's great the story is really well done. I do actually intend to hit 50 so I can see it's completion.

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Calling it like it is without kissing the behinds of the people being corrected doesn't make you a troll. Just because you got called out for not knowing your skill tree is on you, not Hizoka


Yes because using a completely logical response then being insulting when a person is trying to have an intelligible conversation must mean I don't know my class at all..... brilliant


I am sorry for being civil....


btw i think you spelled you're name wrong... i'm not sure

Edited by SleepyZombie
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btw i think you spelled you're name wrong... i'm not sure


Nah i am from Boston and everyone thinks Celtic is pronounced Selltick

Stupid basketball team.


yeah you have a point rude, vs civil,.. but I think its hard to judge tone in text. Everything is subjective.

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