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Faction Ratios = a problem


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People referring to an article saying there are only 30,000 more sith warriors than republic equivalent means the factions are balanced is bullocks. People love lightning shooters but not as much rock tossers. Republic version of inquisitor is not as overwhelmingly popular making the other jedi, the warrior more popular. I have never seen anything to show a server with more Republic than Empire not even a PvE or RP server. My server is at least 6:1 in favor of Empire. It makes leveling very hard when Voss and other planets are packed to the brim with Imps jammed up in the neutral towns and you don't have enough man power on the whole server to put a dent in them.
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Bioware wants the empire to have a better pvp experience, and they're implementing more same-faction warzones because of this.

However, they have not done anyone to support the republic and their ridiculously small population count (compared to empire) on pvp servers. Why does bioware feel the need to support Empire pvp, but not Republic pvp?



So a question:

Bioware is fixing pvp server woes for the Empire by adding more same-faction warzones.

But what is being done to help pvp server woes for the Republic?

First let me say I'm totally against same faction vs same faction PvP. It's a nonsense.


Then as you're saying they should give players more incentives to play on the Republic Side. Make this faction more appealing. Start with things like specific species, or conveniences like recall time reduced along the population ratio imbalance. Create world drops that would be much more easily accessible for all republic players as less camped. Be inventive.

Edited by Deewe
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