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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PvP before 50 - does gear matter?


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Yes, gear matters.


Bolster only buffs you proportionally to the level difference between your current level and level 50. So at level 15 you get bolstered more than if you were 25. However, if you are still using green level 20 gear at level 25, the level 15 will probably have higher stats than you do when you are both bolstered. It does not buff everyone's stats to an arbitrary value.


Basically, if you're using greens, bolster will put you at a green geared level 50. If you're undergeared for your level, you will be undergeared with bolster. Someone with all prototype (blue) and artifact (purple) level gear will have higher stats once bolstered.

Edited by ViperI
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It doesn't seem to matter too much unless you are fighting a level 50 and they are in the epic pvp sets then it seems to be a problem >.< But if your gear is somewhat fit for your level you should do okay. There are a ton of 50s starting to flood the warzones though and when they get geared they can eat ya alive. Don't feel bad if a geared 50 chews you up and spits you out it's happening to many of us. :] Rolling with a healer helps ^_^
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