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Watchman spec: Power or Critical?


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It seems almost all gear from quest rewards has critical rating increases. I remember reading somewhere that as watchman speced, we should be focusing on +Power. Is that true? Can someone actually give me a mathematical explanation as to why one would be better than the other? Does +crit apply to burn effects as well? If so this helps with both Searing Saber and Merciless Zeal.


Up to this point I have been focusing on increased crit (at about 18% at lvl 27), but wondering if I would be better served with +Power gear.

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Crit and Surge, and then accuracy (for PvP esp). I used crit then power until 30s when you could get surge and then pretty much power fell out all together. But the bonus dmg from Power isn't as much really as boost crit/surge gives overall for Watchman. I mean it's nice to have power/bonus dmg, but I think you'll find crit/surge doing more for dmg output with Watchman.
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