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Never thought i'd say this but


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While I understand not wanting to view repetitive cut-scenes, randomly hitting responses is a bad idea unless you don't care about your light/dark and crew status.


Higher faction on crew members means:

Faster completion of crew skills

Advancement in crew stories and romances


If you are not interested in any of the story stuff and just want to grind to level for PvP, Flash Points/Operations and end game content, than I see why you just space bar through. And honestly if you really hate the random quests and video and dialog, nothing I am saying here matters to you.


Honestly from my experience with Bioware you are prob in the wrong game if you are not a fan of story. Again, you most likely agree or disagree with me and are not changing your opinion over what I am saying here.


I am a person who enjoys the quests. I enjoy the crew skills and stories. I like the space combat a bit (would prefer SWG style space combat, only part of swg I actually enjoyed after the NGE).


I am not judging your options. I am just giving some reasons why paying attention can be beneficial.

Edited by Lushu
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