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I'm glad I watched....


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The Star Wars movies before I grew up. I'm only 19 now, yet everytime I try to watch Star Wars, things seem missing, stupid or outright wrong. Don't mistake me, I love it, but I somehow wish I was a child again.


I never really noticed how stupid Jar Jar was until recently, or how odd the plot of the prequels were pieced together, or how bad the writing actually is - as a kid, I loved the fight scenes, the music, the look and feel of it, but now, I have a hard time seeing that again..


The originals were the first SW movies I watched, I was rather young back then, and after that I watched EP I in tv, EP II in cinema and EP III in the cinema as well. I remember the time were the clones touch down in the arena at the end of EP II as one of the most epic moments as a child, now I shudder every time I see them :( Same goes for EP III, who the hell is Grevious? Should I really have to watch the clone wars to know what's going on? - and the list goes on...


Anyways.. Anyone else feel this way? Somehow, in a way, it kinda makes me not enjoy swtor as I know I would back in the day, and I just can't shake that feeling, what to do? :confused:

Edited by Aoussar
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You know whats ironic. The Clone Wars CGI TV series is better written than the prequels, I suggest watching it because it has the story of the Original movies and the action of the prequel movies.


Also SWTOR has some of the best writing I have ever seen in games. Far outclasses the Prequel movies.


And I don't care how old I am, seeing the clones touch down on Geonosis or Palpatine ordering Order 66 will always be epic! Are the movies ever going to be the best written? No! Will they be the most action packed? Yes!:D

Edited by Rohanshot
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You know whats ironic. The Clone Wars CGI TV series is better written than the prequels, I suggest watching it because it has the story of the Original movies and the action of the prequel movies.


Also SWTOR has some of the best writing I have ever seen in games. Far outclasses the Prequel movies.


And I don't care how old I am, seeing the clones touch down on Geonosis or Palpatine ordering Order 66 will always be epic! Are the movies ever going to be the best written? No! Will they be the most action packed? Yes!:D


Hehe, I agree with some of your points m8, and I might have to watch the show :)

Swtor is very well written indeed, the overarching storyline is awesome! However, I play a Jedi Knight, and some of his one liners are worse than all the prequels combined...

Questgiver goes: "Please help me, Master Jedi!"

Jedi Knight(Me): "A Jedi will always help those in need." - Couldn't he just have said "Sure i'll help you" or something more human? :p hehe, it just sounds sooooo cheesy to me, but hey, its just my opinion :) I played a Smuggler to lvl 10, and they have the most awesome writing in so far to me, really well done :)


EDIT: About the Jedi Knight; I know they wrote it so it fits the role, still sounds poor to me though :)

Edited by Aoussar
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