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Nerf expertise or brackets.


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There has been sooo many miles of text written on this subject - in many games. Either you are for or against I suppose.


Imho :



1. Tune down PvP gear.

You are approaching a situation where there are godmode players facerolling through WZs in premade mode. Yes - they worked for it. But bottom line: It makes the game less fun for more people than the ones actually steamrolling. Even matches ftw. And yes, I can get it myself...but I'd rather give new PvPers a chance.


(If you fix above then point below isnt so important.)

2. Brackets.

See above.

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There has been sooo many miles of text written on this subject - in many games. Either you are for or against I suppose.


Imho :



1. Tune down PvP gear.

You are approaching a situation where there are godmode players facerolling through WZs in premade mode. Yes - they worked for it. But bottom line: It makes the game less fun for more people than the ones actually steamrolling. Even matches ftw. And yes, I can get it myself...but I'd rather give new PvPers a chance.


(If you fix above then point below isnt so important.)

2. Brackets.

See above.


premade = premade, no nerf to expertise will change that.

communication is the key


PS: Enough with the whining allready

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Not to reign on everyone's dumb parade here,


But have *ANY* of you bothered to take the time to check the stats of a person fully geared in crafted armor, thats been reverse engineered into purples ?

And have said people even bothered to check the stats on the same purples, with crit crafts so that they are modable?

Infact, if you buy the pvp weapons that are level 46, you can take one of the expertise mods from those out, and put them in that modable purple crafted gear.

Anyone want to take a wild guess how much HP you have?


20 000+ HP as a sith inquisitor.


Expertise is not breaking PvP, its the fact that its the ONLY DECENT GEAR people are currently wearing, thats making a difference.


Crafted is on par with the pvp gear, as long as its the RE'd purples.

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Not to reign on everyone's dumb parade here,


But have *ANY* of you bothered to take the time to check the stats of a person fully geared in crafted armor, thats been reverse engineered into purples ?

And have said people even bothered to check the stats on the same purples, with crit crafts so that they are modable?

Infact, if you buy the pvp weapons that are level 46, you can take one of the expertise mods from those out, and put them in that modable purple crafted gear.

Anyone want to take a wild guess how much HP you have?


20 000+ HP as a sith inquisitor.


Expertise is not breaking PvP, its the fact that its the ONLY DECENT GEAR people are currently wearing, thats making a difference.


Crafted is on par with the pvp gear, as long as its the RE'd purples.


Good info



On gear subject:


No matter if everyone can get it, here's the point:


If you give any players access to god mode gear that is not quickly/easily obtainable (as in not having to grind...but that ofc also defeats the purpose of the gear...see below) by everyone - you kill the fun in WZ's. No one wants to play any kind of 'sports' game where some players start at a terrific advantage - no matter how hard they worked for the gear.


PvP gear is just a stupid idea in my personal opinion. i'd rather have a level playingfield for newcomers too.

Edited by zoofar
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You'll never have even matches, even if they nerf expertise, even if there's bracket.


Having the 50's on their side of the map and the rest of the pack on the other would already make this game more fun than it is now.


Being crushed by a bunch of 50's is not how I pictured myself to be quite honest.

This is supposed to be fun and I'm supposed to enjoy it as well ... but at the moment with the number of 50's increasing rather quickly, it's clear that my "fun" is going south and down the tub.

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PvP was actually fun even at mid levels vs 50, before a lot of 50s got their PvP gear. I think at least. Now that they have it we desperately and quickly need brackets for 50s.


well, i can agree with that.

play lvl50 shieldtech atm and when i only had blue lvl50 it could be challenging at least. nothing i couldnt beat but sometimes i had to raise a sweat.

with the pvp gear low lvls are a none issue for me...they wont beat me no matter(check the youtube link in my sig for some examples)

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