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Cantina's Are dead, But hear me out here...


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Agreed. I have been asking people to meet me in the Senate Cantina before heading out on heroics. Most people wont do it, but a few get the idea.


If we had some useful or enjoyable features in cantinas it would help.


I cant imagine BW thought people would convene in cantinas on their own without chairs or incentives to stay longer than 2 minutes.

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I do really like this idea, since i tend to stay in a Cantina and listen to all songs for a while and have a guildchat whatever and sum up a bit "rest time" (yes im not rich espacially since Armscraft pours money out of my pockets with all this idiotic REing but you always have 100creds for Jukebox!!! ) and i barely see anyone getting in to the Cantina area and just "staying" there and listen to the music and have a little chat or so.


Well im playing on a german server and saw till pre-launch about 3 people actually doing something in the Cantina even if its just standing infront of the Jukebox :o

Edited by Meeporized
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Maybe we should start arranging Server Parties on the forums, Gathering as many people as possible and just all meet in a Cantina like Nar Shadaa and socialise. Its a good way of adding to the friends list, meeting people who you can call on later for grouping, and just a good way to show Bioware that there is a community of people who care about this game.
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People will develop their own hubs for grouping and catinas may be as good of a spot as any. In CoH, my server used PocketD which was a co-op hero/villain zone just used for special events mainly as our unofficial group-up spot for end-game trials. They had a LFG tool but no one really used it because no one wanted to go into a 24 person trial/raid with a bunch of random people and nobody leading the action. So people would just meet up there to form trial teams. The server communities can definitely develop some solutions like this on their own and cantinas seem like as good of a candidate for that.


However, still not buying the spamming general chat with LFG comments argument. No one can say that their general chat is flooded with LFG comments and they can't find anyone to group with in the same sentence with a straight-face.

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Even if none of these ideas get put into play, can we have one very simple thing added to our cantinas, or just outside their door?


A mailbox...


Specifically, a mailbox right outside the door of the Cantina in Dromund Kaas. But also for any other cantina where the closest mailbox to a rest area is halfway across town.


Seriously, I don't think we need to be at WoW's current "A Mailbox on Every Corner" level, but a few more mailboxes would be nice. Also a Mod table on the Fleet stations (or even in my personal ship) would be helpful as well.

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