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Mercenary: Bottom of the Barrel?


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I do well as a merc, but the class does have some weaknesses.


We need a way to travel quickly, to get to or get away from an opponent... It's ridiculous that we don't have this, since we have freaking JETPACKS.



Also, we need a ranged interrupt that ISNT our electro-dart.


Something to counter the 3s interrupt to tracer missile would be nice, but not necessary.



YOU SAID IT BROTHER!!! I'm sick of people saying arsenal merc is OP... the ONLY interrupts we get that isn't one a 1 min CD are talented rocketpunch knock-back... and jet boost... making our ranged class that must KITE everyone have to get within 4 meters to interrupt.. that makes lots of sense... while people have quell on something like a 6 sec cd.. making out tracer not work for 4 seconds.. and then right when we go to use it again BOOM another quell... dead... also people saying tracer hits so hard.. try 2k with a 5 stack. People just don't notice railshot on a 12 second timer and also heatseaker on a 12 second timer all hitting at once so they think its one attack hitting super hard. PLAY ARSENAL MERC BEFORE YOU SAY ITS OP... or try standing still and casting over and over and see if you live.... lets recap.. our ranged class that must "kite to live" has to stand still for a total of 7.5 seconds to get our 5 stack up... 3 seconds to cast unload only to snare for 2 seconds..... TWO SECONDS... Powershot is 1.5seconds of standing still.... healing.. 2.5 seconds of standing still...fusion missile 1.5seconds and 33 heat..total that up forrrrrrrrrrr 16.5 seconds of NOT MOVING to do our actual "rotation" All this nerf to merc talk is simply insane... and with my heals talented i still get a whopping 3.5k heal for 2.5 seconds with near 90% crit multiplier... I can go on for days... this is a rant that i had to ramble about right after i got off work... Go ahead attack my grammar and sentence structure all you want.. correct my mistakes too because this is all off the top of my head but i just wanted to get my point across the best i can.. and then get what seems to be 3 shotted while stunned by an operative. Thank goodness for my 1 min CD electro dart.. or my concussion missle that HEALS YOU like a HOT while youre stunned.. okay end rant...for now.. :eek:

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well you can take 10% right off the top if they are geared up well in pvp gear, more if they are in battlemaster.


your numbers will get bigger and bigger up to 49, then you will see an instant drop.


I get way higher numbers than the one you quoted sometimes, I assume that is new 50's... against the elite players that are always in WZ and are my nemisis your numbers are about spot on for me... the only pieces I am desperately trying to get upgraded are iplants (they are level 50 purple crafted, just want better)


I also am not a damage hog, I play D in huttball and there are times i am standing around waiting for their O to come in and try to set up a pass... i dont consider damage done an indicator of how good i am, vs blowing doors where i can crank up in the 300k-400k range if they cant get the door blown.


I also do not AOE as much as the damage addicts, i would rather take out a target and do 30% less damage than to spam aoe and have them get it healed up and then spam some more, that in my opinion is just plain dumb.



Yeh I expect my stats to drop a bit when I hit 50,



I normally go for most kills as well can have as much overall dmg as you won't but first mean a thing if you have hardly any kills,


I don't aoe much either and now I have thermal D as pyro is coming alot easier to take the targets down one at a time than trying dps them down with aoes


When comes to huttball I'm the same sit in the ledge look at the ball so as soon as ther other team grabs it I can drop him and try get the ball to there's as I've noticed a lot people don't really def on huttball unless they jst died , but by doing this I normally turns out a win for my team unless fighting a premise or I have a sucky team which don't have a clue which isn't that often

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YOU SAID IT BROTHER!!! I'm sick of people saying arsenal merc is OP... the ONLY interrupts we get that isn't one a 1 min CD are talented rocketpunch knock-back... and jet boost... making our ranged class that must KITE everyone have to get within 4 meters to interrupt.. that makes lots of sense... while people have quell on something like a 6 sec cd.. making out tracer not work for 4 seconds.. and then right when we go to use it again BOOM another quell... dead... also people saying tracer hits so hard.. try 2k with a 5 stack. People just don't notice railshot on a 12 second timer and also heatseaker on a 12 second timer all hitting at once so they think its one attack hitting super hard. PLAY ARSENAL MERC BEFORE YOU SAY ITS OP... or try standing still and casting over and over and see if you live.... lets recap.. our ranged class that must "kite to live" has to stand still for a total of 7.5 seconds to get our 5 stack up... 3 seconds to cast unload only to snare for 2 seconds..... TWO SECONDS... Powershot is 1.5seconds of standing still.... healing.. 2.5 seconds of standing still...fusion missile 1.5seconds and 33 heat..total that up forrrrrrrrrrr 16.5 seconds of NOT MOVING to do our actual "rotation" All this nerf to merc talk is simply insane... and with my heals talented i still get a whopping 3.5k heal for 2.5 seconds with near 90% crit multiplier... I can go on for days... this is a rant that i had to ramble about right after i got off work... Go ahead attack my grammar and sentence structure all you want.. correct my mistakes too because this is all off the top of my head but i just wanted to get my point across the best i can.. and then get what seems to be 3 shotted while stunned by an operative. Thank goodness for my 1 min CD electro dart.. or my concussion missle that HEALS YOU like a HOT while youre stunned.. okay end rant...for now.. :eek:


i would suggest using the enter key


it is your friend

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What do we have that other classes don't? Just wondering.



Great AoE



... thats all I could come up with ><


Sorc/sage also have AOE, so do some of the melee classes


DPS merc brings nothing to the table beyond dps


We have a handful of CC that is out classed by everyone else


Our pushes are out classed by every melee class that can simply jump back on us instantly (more often than we can push) or ignored by ranged


All we can do is DPS and oh wait, we arent even the best at DPS, thats sniper who also has more CC than us, and invis


Point blank if you actually look at the merc DPS toolkit, its missing pieces


Every other class that is DPS can keep up with our DPS and has either more CC and/or invis


The closest class to a DPS merc is a DPS sorc, now break down what skills they have vs ours. They have just as much DPS, their stuns even do damage (ours dont), they have AE, and than you top it off with they have more CC. They also have speed boost and pull, we dont


Theres simply no way to counter argue. Merc is missing pieces and the only ones that dont know this have not played the other classes. I have 1 of every class and while I truly identify with the bounty hunter as a dps merc and wish I could spend all my time on it, its really only useful for pve raids


PVP theres nothing we can do that is not matched by other classes who also have more tools. If you dont know this, you have no experience playing all the other classes in this game. And yes, Im good at pvp with all of them (including dps merc). Just because a DPS merc can do well, doesnt mean its actually the best choice, it just means theres a lot of really bad players out there for me to kill

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I have done pvp quite a bit. We are absolutely fine. I'm sure the community is more than willing to help on specific issues your having with class or scenarios.


I am a DPS merc, arsenal spec. Access to full champion or columi and half rakata, this is tier 2/3 equip. I am routinely top damage/kills and I do win games, mostly through team work. But I am under no delusion that we are in any way "fine". Having played every class, dps merc is the weakest in PVP.


Explain how to beat:


1. agent/smuggler: comes out of invis, i am now flat on my face. i have 2 options:

a. die

b. break CC; I break CC, he goes invis, i use see invis, he knocks me on my face (my break CC is still on cooldown), I am now dead before I can get up or shortly after


This is a no win scenario, he can go invis more often than I can break it and he can CC me more often than I can break it, if I do not break the CC I am dead either before I get up or I am at the very least far below half hp and will now die in a toe to toe battle where he has a 10k hp advantage


You can tell me knock him away, that only creates the potential for a stalemate as he can walk out of my damage range long before I could kill him if I do this and chances are he is simply going to invis again, walk back into range and reengage


You can tell me to medkit, thats nice, he has one too and if Im already low hp its really only given me 1 more hit on him, its not enough to win


Can I kill an agent/smuggler? not unless they are dumb enough to let me stand there shooting them repeatedly. I cant sneak up on him (no invis), I cant lock him in one location (1 stun is 4 seconds long, the other breaks if you do damage). I can basically get near him, hurt him and watch him walk out of my damage range if he doesnt feel like fighting me. The really bad players die, the decent and good ones, walk away or kill me.




2. Melee/Marauder/JumpyDPS, tell me how to beat them as my choices are:

a. die


b. get interupted more often than I can fire and eventually die.

I can what, CC? sure, but he can break my one CC and now I cant do it again.

I can knock him away, but lets see, oh right, their jumps are on shorter cooldowns than our knockbacks. They negate our push entirely because they can jump far more often than I can push no matter how its spec'd.

The choices are, run? nope, they can jump on you faster than you can run or fight and they can interupt us more often than we can shoot them with instants.


Its a no win situation unless:


I can start attacking him first while he is engaged with someone else in which case he can either turn on me and kill me at will, or walk out of my range any time he feels like it because there is no way for me to lock him in place long enough to kill him (at least not alone)


You can tell me to medpack, oh wait, he has medpack too, its just making the fight longer, they negate each other, if you are already on a sliding losing battle, you still lose.




vs sorc/sage


They have the same DPS abilities that we do, they are just named different. Look closely and you will see instant nukes, channeled nukes, AE nukes, etc that are all essentially very similar to ours. This would at a glance make it look like we are equal? Look again.


They have the same DPS as us but: they have more CC, their CC does damage (ours doesnt), they have speed boosts (we dont), they have knockbacks just like us. Lets not forget they do not have the heat issues that we have. Their force powers regenerate FAR faster than the heat management cycle that we have to deal with.


If you do not understand that a sorc/sage (dps) is the same as a merc dps, please do me a favor and play one for a while and you will finally understand where this issue comes from.


A sorc/sage is a ranged DPS with a full toolkit for PVP, a merc DPS is.. just DPS with less escapes and less CC and overall less utility of any kind.


CC them? they dont care, they CC you right back, more often and with damage. Knock them away? they dont care, they either hit you from range or walk away. Chase one? In your dreams, speed boost and they leave you in the dust


You arent killing a sorc/sage alone unless they are truly stupid or you have a group




So, what class are we killing solo if they know how to use their skills? troopers and mercs? Yea, people in the same boat as us, than its whoever is geared the best and/or got the jump on each other




I love dps merc, its fun, its great in pve, heck Im even good with it in pvp. But I do know the other classes and Im good with them too. And I can tell you point for point, we run out of tools before the others and once you are down to bare knuckle dps, we arent even the best


DPS merc is a one trick pony and not even very good at its trick, at least not in pvp


Whoever made dps merc probably designed dps sorc as well, they have many many of the same base designs, the difference seems to be someone actually played dps sorc in beta and corrected some of its short comings

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