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BioWare please remove instanced worlds.


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This game has CRAP optimization. Really, the worst I've seen in any MMO launch. Even worse than AoC, and that one already had it kinda bad. So removing sharding right now would be a terrible idea. Lots of people wouldn't be able to play the game any more. PvP's 8v8 works because there are no npc's and the world is smaller. But in PvE while questing it would be too heavy on most pc's.


Now, still this is a legitimate complaint. The game has terrible optimization, but that is Bioware's/EA's fault. Not ours. The optimization is the only thing that I'm truly bothered by with this game. To release it like this was a very bad idea of them imo. But...the game's playable enough, and there's lot's of people playing. Let's just hope that they optimize the game a lot more before more and more people start to be really bothered by this.


I think turning off the shadows dramatically improves fps, at least for me. besides they look ugly anyway. again I think the graphics are BADLY glitched and need fixing. I think BioWare are smart enough to make these a priority.


Also I think having an mmo presents the developer with some unique unexpected and unpredictable challenges which we all need to accept and bear with at least for some time.


I hope this doesn't end up like rift where people were just too impatient and left the game before it could be fixed.

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