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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Miraluka JC = :[


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I'm sure there are already posts about this, but seeing as there is no search function.. here we go.


There are numerous posts about how hideous Jedi Consular gear is, but this seems to go double for the poor Miraluka. It seems that the only saving grace for Jedi Consular's are the robes that manage to cover the head -I see many players take this route and it is talked about in-depth in the JC forums. Miraluka do not get to take advantage of such robes, rather, everything seems to clip through their head. A good portion of headgear doesn't even show on the Miraluka race.. This is a shame, because when I first made this character I envisioned how cool he would look with a hood over him and the leather eye blind-fold.


Does anyone else feel like they got ripped off picking Miraluka? I'd really like to see this fixed in the next patch, as its really a minor detail, but effects the overall aesthetic of the character.


Hopefully we can get some support going to get this implemented soon.

Edited by Jedibezy
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I was surprised when my toon, when wearing a robe with a hood, her hair knot was still visible outside of the hood.


My character has the ponytail dreadlocks and I see this as well. Typically the eye covering extends through the robe or headpiece and my hair sticks far through the robe.

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