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Posts posted by Grunn

  1. +1


    Plus people from The Shadowlands and the other US server that crashed have been roaming the forums for the last hour. lol Watching people complain about lag when we couldnt even experience the lag.


    Probably, storms/heat wave causing havoc on the data centers. Sometimes you can avoid this and you just have to go outside (weather permitting) and breathe fresh air.


    It's 104 degrees.and feels like 115..I think I will stay in today.

  2. You can't expect people to gobble up games that are less than their competition just because they were just launched.


    Games aren't living organism that need to grow and develop. Games are artificial products that can copy things from the more successful patterns already on the market, and there is no excuse that games are launched with less features than the already existing ones AND demand the same level of attention from the players.


    Think I got that post ut of context.

  3. No, I am serious. No I honestly dont expect a full game that it launched with, but I do expect much. They dont need to recreate graphics engine, or battle coding or anything now. It is really just pure content, it wont take as long. Point is, if we are paying this much a month, the content better be worth it. Not a update once every few months that contains maybe a day or 2 worth of content. Really..what would our sub be going towards then? Just the ability to play the game we paid for? Sorry, but if you think that is actually worth it..well go right ahead.




    I have played FFXI, Rift, DCUO. Never playd wow. After a 4 month sub and another 60 put towards the game, yes I expect something substantial.


    Well then let me save you the heart ache and tell you to go ahead and unsub from the game now becuase it just will not happen.


    Sorry to be the one to tell you this but someone should tell you the truth I suppose.

  4. no, its not spoiled. I paid 60 dollars for the game, and I get what it came with awesome. But if im shelling out 15 a month, in 4 months, I better have the same amount of new content for my 60 bucks as that came with the game.


    I am wondering how many MMO's you have played before becuase with the exception of possibly Rift, no other MMO's have pumped out a new expansion every four months. And Rift while they do put out content updates, they are no where near a full expansion worth of content.


    Good luck on your dream of having a full expansion released every four months.

  5. The point was they quit over the reasons the fan site reviews given, bad combat, overkill on cut scenes, way to much walking for no good reason, dead world with static mobs that don't move, single player game poorly done. Pvp is pretty terrible and boring. These are just a few of the reasons you see 6.1/10 ratings by thousands of fan's reviewing the game. I know those who love it don't like to hear this but ignoring it won't make it go away or be invalid when such a large number lead to these ratings. Anways if you like it that is good, keep playing it!


    The problem is that it is a game. It is very much like other games in this genre.


    I have yet to see a game with all the things the people are complaining about. There is not game that has NPCs constantly moving and performing different actions from day to day. They are always set on some sort of basic pathing that.


    The comabat is as good as any other game on the market. Again I am not sure what these mystery games all of these people are playing to compare this one to and if they are all so good why they even left them to come try this one in the first place.


    The problem is people did not see the reality of what this game was going to be as it was right in front of them the entire time. All the information was there and they kept ignoring it and hoping for something that just isn't going to be made any time soon.


    GW2 will end up the same as it will still be a game, very much like all of the other MMO games out there with a few added twist.


    Your magical perfect game does not exist and will not exist for many years to come if ever.

  6. id personally like to see a "mute companions" option added. just for while your running around killing stuff. i still love to hear khem tell ignorant people who dare to oppose me that hes going to devore them, but if i have to listen to that gosh darn droid anymore im going to throw his shiny metal *** out an airlock!!!!!!


    LOL. I thought I would try out the driod some with questing but had to send him back to the ship after about 10 mins of him wanting to please me.


    I would also vote yes for a mute the droid button.

  7. i can sit on the republic fleet and take screenshots of the glactic trade network completely empty, when my server is "full", i can do the same allover coruscant, our capital city - when our server is "full" - how can the apologists really refuse to consider stuff like that?


    Because I can do the same thing and the areas are full. There are people all over the fleet.


    That is why people can say that.


    Some people are not having or seeing the issue you are. Sorry that your sever is empty or you are playing at the wrong times but there is not a shortage of people on Jung Ma and I just hit level 27 last night.

  8. Agreed.


    The current system just doesn't work (figuratively and literally)


    Diminishing return is tried and true, would be much easier than that is presently in place.


    It has a resolve bar that might need some tweaking but it is already in game.


    The issue is people getting focused by multiple targets and feeling like they should be able to do something about it.


    If you are getting focused then you are going to die period. Bioware can not help this as it is working as intended.

  9. I don't know how you're all getting this easy money. I train skills, send companion on crafting missions and quest :confused:


    It is called being a smart with your credits until you get your speeder.


    I am 27 and have mine. I also have all three crafting / gathering skills closing on 200.

    I had about 27k credits last night until I bought a peice of gear for one of my CC.


    When I hit 18 It hink it was I stop crafting all together to make sure I would be good for the purchase.


    Money is easy here. You just can't spend it all on the way to 25.

  10. That's a @$@#%^!@ outrage!


    1. The amount is simply ridiculous and way too high.


    2. With #1 being kept firmly in mind; SOME FREAKING WARNING WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE - maybe could have saved for it, instead of recently shelling out 20,000 credits for an extra row of baggage space.


    I just hit 25 for the first time and the game's just gone from being fun for the story and play's sake, to whoring for credits. Great job, Bioware. What really pisses me off as an old school gamer is knowing that the absurdity of this will sink into some thick producer's skull sometime down the line and the price will be lowered...


    lotta good that does the rest of us now.


    If you are a gamer then you should have known better then to spend all your credits while leveling. There really is no excuse. I could understand if you were new to games or MMO's maybe. But not if you have any experience with them in the past.


    You made a mistake. Deal with it and stop bringing every mistake you make in game to the forums. (This is directed at the player base and not so much just for you OP).


    And 40K credits is literally nothing in this game. It will not be lowered anytime soon I can promise you that. It was only lowered in others games becuase the games were going on their 3rd or 4th year of being out.

  11. You must be on a low pop server. There are people bloody EVERYWHERE on Jung Ma.


    I am on Jung Ma and have to agree here. Our server seems pretty full and I am constantly seeing others.


    The Fleet now looks like the old days in the big cities of other games.

    It has been packed up in there.


    You are either ahead of the pack in leveling or on a not so high server would be my guess but this is not an issue on Jung Ma from my expreince over the last few days.

  12. QFT! or stop trying to do content your uner skilled or undergeared for.


    Try reading the post. Unless you are under skilled to do so.


    It has nothing to do with how a healer is healing or not for that matter in combat. He was speaking of the time between pulls when they might be getting Force, ammo or whatever other resource there is as well as life back.


    You should do the same instead of standing there waiting for a heal to top you off.

  13. Sorry but I'm not a healer. I don't heal myself. I'm too busy doing insane DPS as a Trooper.


    Healers need to heal. I don't care if you'd really, really like to do some DPS with your silly little sword or blaster. When you sign up as a healer, you MUST heal constantly. Respec if you don't like it.


    Also, I don't see enough healers healing my ammo meter. On countless occasions I've been completely out of ammo and the healer simply doesn't bother restoring my ammo bar. All I can do is use hammer shot and stock strike over and over, which hurts my DPS.


    So not only are healers letting me die, but they're purposefully keeping my ammo bar empty. That's called griefing and it can get you banned.



    the above post is satirical


    Same as the other guys I responded to. Try reading the post before you respond next time. you said nothing that has anything to do with the OPs post.

  14. Oh god - this group of people again.


    I thought this died with EQ. If you can't maintain heals on a group you are either


    A.) Doing it wrong (they've dumbed down MMO's WAYYY too much for this not to be the case.) or


    B.) You group is doing the encounter wrong and you shouldn't be taking that much AoE damage.


    If you don't agree with either one - I'm glad - because people will add me to their heals list and not you since I will be thanking them for making such an easy game somewhat challenging.


    Try reading the post again because nothing you said ahs anything to do with what the OP was trying to say.

  15. You misunderstood me.

    I'm not trying to penalize button mashing, I do it as well, but rather to facilitate it.

    This game penalizes button mashing atm, because when you press the attack more than once, your character "stutters", doing the attack animation more than once, thus losing valuable time.


    I have heard that if you turn off the skill queuing option in the setting that it will help this as well some. Have not tried it as I use it when I play.

  16. Attaching the MMO to SWTOR is loosely at best depending on the context. Really it's just a co-op game until lvl cap arrives which one can undergo operations. Other than that there is no MMO in this game.


    And no, seeing other players ninjaing your chest, or tagging your mob doesn't constitute as an MMO. MMO is actual grouping on a large scale and being a core mechanic, not a side track like it is now.


    Explain how it is different from other MMO's then please. Give examples of other games that when you go out questing you see 1000's of players while you are doing.


    I have played almost all of them and it is no different. Once you leave the starting areas of most games the populations thin and it seems like it is less I suppose. But they are all like this.


    Go make an alt. I had to run through the starter areas last night and they are looking pretty packed.

  17. This is most likely something that BW will have to do something about. A lot of people are going to make mistakes or find that they picked the wrong AC a few levels into it.


    For some reason a lot of people seem dead set against even a one time, level limited (15-20) AC change to amend such mistakes. Spouting "choices should matter", which I find applies poorly to this sort of thing.


    BS. This is one of the major problems in todays world. How about people own up to their mistakes and stop blaming the world for their failures.


    The OP picked the wrong AC. It is no ones fault but the OPs. The OP should be the one to fix the problem the OP created.


    I through out my first upgrade from the Space Combat missions yesterday becuase I was not paying attention to what I was doing. I *****ed for a sec and moved on. I did not come to the boards and state that Bioware should return my upgrade to me because there should of been more warning.

  18. Most MMO's tries to be innovative to some extent. SWTOR is 95% WoW in a new package. 95% copy/paste with a 300 million dollar budget, is a joke to me.


    The game feels like a singleplayer game, and lots of singleplayer games have better stories than this game.


    So turn it off, uninstall it and never look back. Why is that so *********** hard to understand.


    If you do not like the game. Then do not play it.



    The game will do fine without the people who do not enjoy it.

  19. How novel, trolls who can't read.


    And here I thought I had seen it all....:rolleyes:


    I'm aware that you think this is acceptable, I do not. You apparently missed the point of this thread which is, you can't even unsubscribe at this point in time....


    So wait until tomorrow and cancle then. It is the official release today.


    The site will be just as clogged as the severs. And if you do not want stupid troll responses then the next game you try out and quit, just keep it to yourself as the community does not care.


    You are not going to be charged anything else for the next 30 days. Give it a day or two and quit...please.

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