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Posts posted by Nerioth

  1. First: Even without server transfers coming, why not just make Legacy account bound instead of server. If a player has unlocked it on one server, it should be unlocked on all servers. Make it so that they have legacy levels, and for any new server they go to, make them choose a new legacy name for that server. Simple fix, and a bunch of people would probably start over on different servers.


    Second: Why the heck is Social on one character, unless they start giving social gains for raiding/pvping, it's nigh impossible to get social 10 if you have multiple toons. Yes, I know some people have done it, but it's just so irritating to have to farm social on separate characters.

  2. Now I don't care if Legacy names don't transfer from server to server, but why not make unlocks/legacy level trans-server wide? This would prevent players from having to delete characters to fit all the character slots in one server to unlock things, especially considering that some people had 8 character slots already filled by the time that the legacy info was even announced.
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