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Posts posted by Cylux

  1. Did you check the e-mail headers? Is it indeed from that survey company?

    Also, are you a current SWTOR sub, or have you unsubbed? (Since some are indicating they received it after unsubbing.)


    The email header was from swtor@d.surveysonline.com

    According to Whois - http://who.stsoftware.biz/d-surveysonline-com.htm - d.surveysonline.com is registered to Frank N. Magid Associates.


    As for my sub status, I had unsubbed, but re-subbed after 1.2 came out, and I also filled out the "we're sorry you're leaving" survey too, which I'm guessing might have been the real reason some peeps got surveys and others didn't - given I'd already demonstrated a willingness to fill out customer feedback surveys.

  2. Jeez, if you'd listen to all these "you'd be nobody as an imperial trooper and that'd be boring" you'd think you were living in a world where Tie Fighter didn't come out and was awesome.


    Lets see now, what was the overall arc of that game now? Start off as just a nobody expendable tie fighter points on some boring patrol out in the sticks scanning ships for contraband, then thanks entirely to your own competency abilities you finish the game being given shore leave by Palpatine himself for working so brilliantly for the empire and setting the stage for his trap with the second death star. Did I mention joining the emperor's secret society and becoming one of his hands like Mara Jade?


    Yeah, no room for decent story lines for an Imperial trooper, just cannon fodder, etc etc.

  3. Republic gets the black/purple one also.


    Hmm. I wonder if something's gone a bit wrong, I know on the same vendor they sell lvl 50 crystal schematics for blue + yellow crystals, which seems an odd combo for the empire pvp vendor. You'd think the republic would get blue + yellow schematics and cyan/black rated crystal, while the empire got the purple/black rated crystal and red + yellow(or orange) schematics.

  4. Sigh.


    Darth Malgus is barely a character. He was not created as a person, he was created as concept art for Sith Warrior armour types. He got to kick *** in an early CGI trailer and suddenly EA and Bioware are basing all the launch marketing around him.


    Pretty much, that's why in the Sacking of Coruscant video he was accompanied by "Not-Vette" and the Jedi master he duels was assisted by "Not-T7-01".

  5. I thought the whole headstrong "I'm doing things my way and finding my own path" to be one of the best things about talking to her, since that's pretty much what lead her to becoming your apprentice in the first place. Being a lightside inquistor deffo added an extra dimension to the philosophy talks, when she told me that by embracing her passions she was finally at peace I had to smile. Reminded me a bit of Kreia from KOTOR2, who found both the Jedi way and sith way to be insufficient and lacking.
  6. ToR doesn't have battlegrounds either, unless your idea of massive PvP is 8v8. One thing woW had going for it, before BG's, was world PvP. Players had to travel and interact with the opposite faction. This game has no world PvP and 0 opposing faction interaction at this point. You can't expect PvP'rs to not get bored and complain when all they have is 4 instanced 8v8 PvP maps, plain and simple.


    They need to reevaluate their direction with this game. The ToRtanic has hit an iceberg, and yet they pretend it isn't sinking.


    That's unfortunately a feature, not a bug, of roller-coaster type MMO's when compared to sandbox.

  7. The really funny part is that if you select the Gray item quality (the one immediately below 'any') as your search term it basically functions in the same way that 'any quality' should. So if they'd just made that value the default instead of keeping the non-functioning 'any' and requiring players to select an item quality, then that would have been a better bodge job workaround!
  8. How patient are you?

    I ask because right now crit-crafted oranges are pretty much best in slot, because augment, however Bioware have stated that they are planning (or at the least considering) on allowing crafters to be able to add an augment slot to existing gear in future patches. Because social gear.

    If you are alright with going without the extra stats that augments grant for the time being, then you might as well carry on with the look you like with full intention of getting it all augmented when it's possible to do so.

  9. Does anyone else think it's annoying that most of the companion quests involve -

    'Right I'm off to sort out this personal problem!'

    "can I come with?"

    'No, you can fade to black and wait on the ship'


    *fade to black*

    'Well I'm back, and I sorted that stuff I told you about'

    "er, great, I guess..."


    I was right looking forward to going to meet that Jedi Master with Ashara to try and bring him to my cause of a Just Empire, but no, I instead got to try out the extra padding on me ship seats as I sat about doing nowt waiting for her to come back and report.

  10. He's wants you dead because Zash was your master, and thus you would be carrying on her unorthodox teachings, which he regards as 'corrupt'. Plus he ain't all that keen on you being a former slave either. The whole impertinently refusing to die thing no doubt proves annoying too :)
  11. The problem with dark/light side of the force debates is that various authors throughout the EU have had their own interpretation of what the nature of the force is make it into print. Jacen Solo in the Vong series discovers that there is no lightside or darkside - there is only the force, for example. Which isn't exactly not in keeping with the jedi code after all. Then this later gets discarded for duality again. Apparently GL favours the duality version so that's canon. Bioware on the other hand favours the more murkier version, which does allow for more complex villains.
  12. There's none in the PVP vendor nor is there a schematic for them.

    There's none in the PVE dailies vendor nor is there a schematic for them.

    The crystal trader vendor is gone.

    You cannot get them out of your old PVP gear as they're not made modifiable.


    Where do you get them?!


    Well, once they've fettled out all the bother with ranked warzones you can get a black/purple crystal from the PVP vender for pvp ranked only and boatloads of cash and commendations on the empire side. I'd guess republic side get a black/cyan one.

  13. umm they are force sensitive she is luke sister and daughter of darth vader O_O. so yes she is


    You missed my point, that is what they are NOW in the Expanded Universe, but the movies are G-canon, if 18 million Star Wars books say X happened and movies 7-9 come out and say, no actually - Y happened, then Y happened. End of.

    In short, if Movies 7, 8 and 9 do come out and the writers (whoever they might ultimately be) decided to ignore the already existing stories in the EU in order to be unconstrained in writing their own new characters and plot lines (like the hypothetical three daughters who are not force sensitive that I gave as an example) then you can kiss things like Darth Caedus goodbye. To actively want movies 7-9 you have to either a) Not give a stuff about existing EU lore, or b) have faith that whoever ends up writing it will maintain EU integrity.

  14. What sort of mentalist wants 7 through 9 made anyway? I mean all the main actors who played the original characters are still alive (Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, Peter Mayhew and Billy Dee Williams) and just about the right age to feature in a trilogy where the elder generation pass on the torch to new set of heroes. Chances are such films might be amazing, or God awful.

    Course the films are the main canon of Star Wars, thus making 7-9 and ignoring the already abundant post-rotj EU stories would pretty much invalidate shedloads of currently established lore. You think the prequels generated nerd rage screeching, just you wait till we return to the Star Wars universe to see that Leia and Han have had three daughters over the length of their marriage and none are force sensitive.

  15. By all accounts the main falling out point between Prose and Lucas was when the former let the cat out of the bag that Vader died in ROTJ. The irony is, he didn't actually know that at the time, the interview proceeded along these lines:

    "-So Vader dies in this film?

    -Oh no, George would never kill off Vader, he's the main villain, he's always going to be there.

    -But there's so and so playing the part of Anakin Skywalker's Ghost in the credits, and that's Luke's father's name - Darth Vader.

    *Pregnant Pause*

    -I guess he must then."




    Filming after that point was strained, to say the least.

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