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Posts posted by revap

  1. I upgraded my Gaming System to actually sit back and Enjoy a game for Once at a fun cost of 4 grand (I know my computer is way better than the Requirements to play this game)


    i dont know about you guys who payed 60-150$ but i payed well over that to prepare for this game and Devote my life to it, however Crysis 2 is getting boring so im coming here to QQ

  2. The only reason anyone is complaining is because of a lack in communication..


    Bioware stated the whole up to 5 days thing, but to be honest its there job to keep us informed on this whole situation, some have been following this game for up to 3 years and to read that we may be able to play 5 days before someone else, all we tend to see is that we get 5 days.


    The Wave system is needed so the Launch isint a Giant flop. They need players in game that can create an Economy and support Newbs when the 20th does finally come.


    HOWEVER!!!!!!!!!!! Having someone who just preordered the game 5 hours ago get in before me is absolutely unacceptable, i dont know if they are fibbing or what but thats BS :D


    on a side not, I Love you Bioware and this game is sure to make world of warcraft die... FINALLY!

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