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Posts posted by Ghep

  1. Yes. The game offers 8 different story lines with 3 choices of how to respond to most activities in the story. The combination is pretty exciting! Then there are the companions and the crafting! It's a lot of stuff and I'm not so much as curious about endgame. :p


    No matter how you respond, the most you get is a message in your mailbox saying "good job" or "I hate you"


    You find soon your choices don't mean anything, sadly =/

  2. No, my reasons are....


    1. It felt like I'd played the game, before actually playing it.

    2. The roleplaying felt really uninvolved

    3. For a story that's supposed to be "mine", everyone else seemed to have a similar

    4. Nothing to do after level 50


    Those are my reasons, I might come back, but I doubt it. The game just feels like a copy/paste of all the other MMOs but with VO and lightsabers. =/

  3. The reason I began this thread is because I came across a post bemoaning the fact tor wasn't more like swg. As some people have said they are different games. I just disliked how swg has been forgiven for most of its faults simply because there's another star wars mmo on the market. Swg is still the most berated mmo in history and alienated more people than any other mmo. The reasons I posted are why I hated it so much.


    I'm enjoying tor. I'm in no hurry to hit level cap in a enjoyable playable game....without the need for queuing for buffs so I'm invincible before I can do anything :p


    Wait until you get to level 50 PVP....there will be A LOT of queuing....and boredom. xD

  4. Who's on their high horse? Us or You? Im confused... the way your speaking makes me think your saying what we say as crap isn't actually crap and it isn't because of a horrible writer and director ruining Star Wars, it's us? And "You" are one of the few who can appreciate the slock he throws out there to make merchandise off of? But anyways, if JJ Abrams was the director of the prequels, they would have been great, I assure you


    I'm sorry you didn't understand. What I meant was this, the movies were good, not great. (I will however go on to say they were made for children, and when the 3D version concluded several children proclaimed it to be the greatest movie they'd ever seen.) By ruining I meant you pick on them so much, berate George Lucas, and wine to no end. It just takes the fun out of it when you want to discuss them and people run into the conversation and cry.


    It's not that you're not allowed to have an opinion, but that we already know how you feel before you say it. (Not necessarily you, but people who complain about them) The "fans" who simply complain about all the things they hate are what's ruining it.


    George Lucas recently stated the reason he wouldn't do more is because, "People would only tell me how horrible it is, and say how much they hate me." (I'm sure those weren't his exact words, but it's the same thing) So, now I hope you see why these people are ruining it, and frankly I don't give a damn if they would've been better had he directed it. They're the way they are, and I love them for what they are. So, when I use the term "high horse" I believe it is fitting.

  5. Someone doesn't know their Star Wars history...


    The Sith movement started out as a group of Jedi who believed the Code was flawed. Essentially, they wanted to be apart of a different religion. The other Jedi didn't like this idea, if I recall -they- started the first war against the Dark Jedi who then fled and hid out on Korriban.


    From there they re-emerged with Naga Sadow's assault against the Republic... at the end the Republic and the Jedi slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Imperial citizens and Sith. Raised the temples of Korriban. Destroyed ancient Sith teachings and artifacts. One Jedi actually -severed- multiple Sith from the Force.


    Then, the Jedi actually hounded the Sith across the galaxy to Voss where



    They started the civil war on Voss by mutating those Gormak who followed them into Voss. The Jedi also created the nightmare lands, which is a great concentration of Dark side energy...



    So, even if the Jedi hadn't started the entire thing over the fact they couldn't accept other ideas. They still went far too overboard to continue considering the Sith as 'the bad guys'. Unless we're now advocating the genocide and extermination of different species, governments and religions as being tantamount to 'good'.



    A character in the Consular main storyline...



    Rajivari was his name. He was the first to fall I believe, and said he attacked the council...so I don't see how the Jedi hunted them down. It has been awhile since I did that storyline, so I could be very wrong.


  6. Also it's kinda funny. I was getting ganked by level 50's on the Imps side for valor LONG before this. I'm excited to play in warzones without level 50's......if my internet wasn't being slow and taking forever to download the patch! =s
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