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Posts posted by Keadil

  1. You have an issue with the prices on the GTN, you take it up with the sellers. Or don't buy.


    Supply and demand. Plus people who really want a certain something will pay almost any price for it. That's how it works.


    It's not supply and demand. That actually makes sense.

  2. A lot of people price things specifically to target the fools using gold sellers. Due to this, more people end up using gold sellers and destroying the economy. There is no limit on greed in an MMO. If supply far exceeds demand then it will sit at that high price until some idiot buys it. If someone comes along with a lower, more marketable price, then it will quickly be bought up by the guy with the higher price and relisted. :rolleyes:
  3. The amount of supporters in this thread for clicking explains why everyone's so bad in game.


    The amount of people that can't understand that their way simply will not work best for everyone does the same. :rolleyes:

  4. That analogy is bad because you are comparing different sports doing different things. In this game it is about doing the same thing and one way being better than the other.


    There will always be people who has different handicaps that can't perform optimal. That does not make them worse players but at the same time they will never be as good as other players even if they do a great job.

    You won't see the best handicapped basketball player playing in the NBA even if he is the best at what he is doing.


    And my analogy fits perfectly because like the basketball player with one hand tied behind your pack moves all his attention to his other hand, just like the clicker moves the majority of his abilities to a single hand.


    Well knowing some random people on a random server with some random person who thinks they are the best players in the world does not mean that much. But if you would have followed the WoW arena tournaments you would have noticed there has never been a single clicker playing because at that high level you need lightning reflexes.


    Like I said earlier clicking does not make you a bad player. It just limits your potential of being even better.


    No, knowing random people on random servers that prove that your theory doesn't hold water disappoints you. Face facts please! You cannot decide what will work best for everyone, because you honestly do not know. Use what works best for you and let others use their way.

  5. I am probably old school in this thought, but back in the day pay to win meant any item/gear you could buy from a sanctioned game market that increased your abilities beyond what you could do without the purchase of said item at said level.


    That is all it has ever meant despite what some have said to the contrary.

  6. This is NOT pay to win, this is pay extreme amounts of $$$ to simply be on par with win.


    What cartel items are worth that much credits? What are your chances on getting a Revan Mask, Diplomat Mount or anything worth while? The chances are so low that this model you claim to exist, in fact does not.


    Can you augment your end game progress with credits funded from the cartel market victorious bag RNG rolls? Yes, but as a means to completely fund it? Not a chance. The amount of cash it would take is so insane I say let them try, their funding will bring profitability and new content.


    This is why the pay to win argument is just ludicrous. There are much easier, and faster ways to make creds in the game. You can accuse Bioware/EA of many things but pay to win in this game is an absolute lie. :rolleyes:

  7. With 1.5s CD's it makes no difference if you click or not, as long as you know to click the right icon at the right time. If this game was a FPS, then it would be a factor.


    ...And yes binding makes things much easier, but clicking is hardly an issue in SWTOR.


    This is all that needs to be said right here.

  8. I love this robe. I never noticed the hood problem before. I get the same problem on my scrawny body type 1 sage. It is obvious that there is a vertex or two connected to the hand or lightsaber on the weight map. It's an easy fix at least, but it's also very easy to make that kind of mistake. I'm betting it will get corrected quickly. :jawa_smile:
  9. Still think you guys are QQing over nothing really. Sometimes my sent or vanguard feels like the ultimate power in the universe and other times it's a faceroll. It all depends on your TEAM! You may be the best sent in the game but if you got 7 noobs with you none of the "OP" matters. PvP isn't a 1v1 affair and classes reflect that.


    Best response yet, without a proper team a sent goes down quickly. There is nothing OP about them. Oh no, sents can be immune to 99% of damage for 6, only 6 seconds... Grow up. Are you using cc's? If you were you wouldn't be here complaining.

  10. All the responses are about OP, UP, TTK, math, etc. No one gets it. Not one response about team play, organization, communication in war zones, etc.


    There's more to class play than "how much x I can do". Just because you can't hit buttons and do whatever you want doesn't mean that there is pvp problem. Show me in the math where my Predation speed burst that, well timed, put the ball in the goal in Hutball and I'll show you overpowered. Or the 5 people I mezzed on the opposing team right before. It makes me laugh.


    Everyone has their idea of expectations and thats ok, but consider what pvp/warzones are and why.


    Some of it is bad and problematic, but these guys aren't stupid. Really.


    In solo queu no one can hear you scream... :eek: You have No control over group makeup at all. Are premades balanced better now, possibly, but they are not separate. Without a perfect setup a sage/sorc is just a chump. It is the most laughable class in the game now. James Ohlen has shown only that Bioware has never played a healer from this class in pvp. He has no idea what he is talking about. If you need a perfect setup, but that is left to chance then you are a fool.

  11. All I get from this is that no dev has ever played a sage, gotcha. Also, I'm glad that they are using math but it isn't "real." You have to actually test these things on a variety of setups to see if they are fair and effective. I'm going to say that quite frankly, I have no confidence that Bioware has ever done that or will in the future. :jawa_frown:
  12. 30 min lock out for droppers.

    If you dont like it, dont drop or make your premades...


    Love when we start out off on the wrong foot and have couple drop when we dont ge the first point, but come back to win after they drop.


    Even better was when this guy from one of the larger guilds on our server dropped during a huttball match cause we didnt get first score and reQ'd and ended up on the opposing team and we beat them 6-1.


    Ya, how often does that happen? 99% of the losses can be determined right away. Add a 30 min lockout and there is even less reason to queu than there is now, lol. Good luck with that.

  13. its not about being a poor sport or anything. it is very annoying that a HUGE amount of players are clueless on how to play this game. as soon as it is apparent that my warzone is filled with players like this, im outta there. no reason for me to waste my time trying to explain the game to them while we lose; most of them just get angry when you offer advice anyways.


    ranked warzones were the solution to this. bioware fubar'd that up pretty solid.


    THANK YOU! Yes, there are a whole lot of players that think every single wz is just a zerg fest. They don't ever try for objectives and waste my time. Why would I stay in such a group for 1 second more than I have to? They WON'T win unless half of them quit and are replaced by better players. There is no reason that I should waste my time and endure more humiliation just for your amusement.

  14. Expertise is a bad stat and has no actual purpose aside from splitting your player base. Discuss.


    Nothing to discuss. Expertise is a crutch for those that have no skill. The challenge in pvp is supposed to come from battling a thinking player that can react to your moves. Good going Bioware in removing skill from pvp, bravo. :rolleyes:

  15. I have a Scoundrel and a Sage healer and they both play fairly well but I'd recommend Scoundrel heals for PVE and Sage for PVP, the reason behind this is that the Sage has 2 really useful heals which are Deliverance and Healing Trance, if I'm using one and it gets interrupted in PVP I just use the other one, if I'm playing as my scoundrel and my Underworld Medicine gets interrupted I have to either get the slow release medpacs rolling in or use dodge or defense screen to help myself while I wait for the added cooldown. Sages also have force armour, an incredibly useful ability.


    In PVE though I find scoundrels a better healer healer because of their mobility with their periodic healing, I've also hit over 6k crit heals with just a 1.7 second activation, followed by an instant 3k crit heal.


    I had a sage healer, but since it takes so much time to cast deliverance now, it's impossible to use. Both of those are channeled and any moron could easily make a sorc or sage healer useless. There is NO reason whatsoever to healspec now as these classes, period.

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